Humble Choice monthly - What Are You Choosing and Why?

Ah well mah dear, money saved until a really good one (hopefully) pops up.

Lately Humble is being more Indiegala than Indiegala ((which ain’t a bad thing), and it’s disappointing people who got used to the super sweet bundles of yore.

Yore. That a funny word. :rofl:


3 bad ones in a row. That’s a big ooof.


Seems like they are changing choice, just got this email

article if you want to read:Humble Choice is leveling up next month! | Humble Bundle Blog


yup no more grandfathered price, everyone pays the same again. New Humble launcher for their games and Trove I think. If you skip/pause a month your store discount drops to 10% and will take 12 months to get back to 20%.

You also lose access to the Humble app games if you skip. They are rebranding pause and calling it skip.


Interesting. I am certainly interested in seeing where they take this.

Personally I have not bought a single bundle or paid for a single month since they switched to humble choice. I’ve never seen the value in the games they offered. I either had the “big ticket” games already or had no interest in the offerings.

Maybe this change will bring me back :thinking:


Honestly if you haven’t liked what they have offered so far then I don’t think this is going to change this. Personally I have only bought maybe 2 or 3 since the change to choice and it was only when I found multiple games I liked in the bunch and it was worth the money to go for it.
While I like this change as it makes things more focused and simpler I am a little concerned that this will mean a reduction in quality of game in comparison to what is being offered now (though since they say game amount of games may change each month they could do higher quality with less games) and in my opinion the bundles lately have not been overly great quality as it is. I guess we will see how it goes in Feb.
I guess the other good thing is I don’t need to keep my subscription anymore and have to remember to pause it every month.


they are levelling up, back to what it used to be before they basically levelled down.


It seems like they’re finally getting the picture, except now that millions of ppl have become adjusted to living without it, it might prove very hard to get those ppl back

lol, i guess i wasnt the only one grabbing a month just to get the 20% reduction on a new game i wanted


Le ouch. Humble tired of us pausing regularly.


Universal $12?! OOOOOOH.


I bet 20 to 1 they start screwing around with the amount of games. They will have 11 or 12 for the Choice and make US, with Classic, pick 10…
And as far as the Trove…It’s been crap for over a year or more…

Or will they just make changes…and tell us to suck lemons…


I don’t think they really listening. Looks like they changing the shape of Choice but how likely is it that the games will improve. Hm.


February will probably be “good”. And it will decline until it’s back to garbage in June.


I think this is mostly just a marketing move to give appearance of something new or interesting happening and to generate some attention.


Cool, NOT! I already have Forager and Void Bastards. I know Forager is a repeat…Can’t remember about Void Bastards…

Come February, we’re also giving Choice members an entirely new way to play: the Humble Games Collection, an ever-growing curated library of games you can access and enjoy while you’re a Choice member. In the Humble Games Collection, you’ll find community and critical favorites you might have missed and find lots of good fun to return to again and again.

The Humble Games Collection will debut in February with these acclaimed titles from Humble Games, with more games added monthly:

  • Forager
  • Wizard of Legend
  • Dodgeball Academia
  • Unsighted
  • Void Bastards

Sounds like they’re really treading water with this. I’ll give it a 7.8 out 10 for too much water. :joy:


Humble: We heard you!
Also Humble: Let’s do something completely unrelated to what you said.



Now they are just being stupid…

This is from a email i got from them yesterday…

Retiring Mac & Linux Trove games

We want to give you a heads up that starting February 1, Mac and Linux versions of the DRM-free games currently in the Humble Trove will no longer be available.

As a Humble Choice member, you can still download them to keep for your personal collection until January 31. Windows PC versions of many of these games will still be available to download in the upcoming Humble app, alongside the brand-new Humble Games Collection.

To learn more about the changes coming to Humble Choice in February, check out our recent blog post.

When they first started this project back in 2010, one of their caveats was they offered Mac and Linux games plus OSTs and wallpapers, guidebooks, artbooks etc. Oh how low the mighty have fallen. :sob:


This is the most sensible thing they’ve could have done. Gaming industry cautionary tales throughout the years show that supporting Linux means all the possible costs and pain in the ass with near zero income.
I won’t comment on macOS coz I don’t know much bout fashion.


So it’s all because they don’t want to make their own client run on linux and macos and instead of still allowing access to those titles through the website as they have done so far, they’re just going to shove two middle fingers in the face of anyone who wanted mac and linux titles.

This suggests to me that their client is likely going to end up being mandatory going forward. Are they going to stop selling steam keys and try to establish their own complete store now?