Lost a 64 day streak need some sad reacts
svx leva
Poor you but still did not lost on 29th day likes me
The sad day has come that Madway joins these threads…
I realised I lost my 114 day streak yesterday… 6 days away from another legendary…
No, @Madway, my d-1 brother. We were supposed to hold out together until all the day 1s had fallen.
I will push on, I wont forget you. One day I will have the longest streak.
I will defeat you, Fraggles. I will have the longest streak in history, and nobody can stop me!!
Except bugs, server crashes or maybe just forgetfulness
I ain’t never heard of nobody named server crashes
More thread titles should be imgur links imo.
Don’t encourage them.
Cat & Dog going at it!
svx edvii