WHOA, that one has eighteen face buttons! That’s three more than the standard Jaguar controller! (I admit, I forgot about the *, 0, and # buttons in my other post)
I can’t wait to see what amazing, innovative games utilize it!
the additional buttons map to existing buttons on the keypad. The L/R shoulder buttons map to 4 and 6 respectively while Z, Y and X map to 7, 8 and 9.
Retro consoles typically had pins and/or register bits for each input, so a controller couldn’t add more distinct inputs than there were these baked-in “slots”, requiring this sort of mapping.
The guy is silly. But he brings up good points and could explain why FPS games are so often made and remade so many times.
FPS players already have the muscle memory because the gameplay is so similar. So the learning curve is lessened for easier mastery.
Variable reinforcement explains why FPS games are a safe bet to create. They give instant action and dopamine to players. And while they have the rush, developers keep finding new creative ways to shove addictive gambling mechanics into FPS games.
The last interesting point is that FPS players’ hedonic adaption makes them less inclined to enjoy slower games like RPGs. I would definitely say this is also the case for my beloved strategy games. Back in the 90s, strategy games were big. Probably because few had high speed internet to play FPS multiplayer. But who knows?
Two great videos from a Youtuber whom I’ve found recently through Youtube’s recommendations who’s specialized in talking about MMOs. He also posted the video above about the atrocious Isekai game.
I’ve been living through that, my mouse is having issues for over a year now. In single player games is fine cause I can just pause with keyboard, but when I’m on a multiplayer I panic every time it happens, cause it always fails at critical moments