Epic store copying steam data

But it’s also your payment info and stuff like that…And it can be sold to an “interested 3rd party”.


i though now a days someone could copy anythng but just changing a little bit LUL


u mean like FaceBook and a bunch of other US and European companies?

I mean, y, they do, but that’s just how the world works atm, where i live every single thing u do is registered and reported, even yr take-out habits if u would believe that…

I’m not trying to defend it or anything like that and hate it as much as everyone else, but it’s funny we talk about Tencent while FaceBook does the same exact thing


Yeppers and that is why I only use it to get free things and join certain groups…I have no friends…

As far as epic…just have the games in my library, no installer etc.


Don’t hate on Snapshot, the first thing they did with their new mountain of Epic money was pay off investors. We profited handsomely; I can’t detail how much due to signing an NDA but it was extreme returns.

If I had invested that money in the S&P 500 in June 2017, I could have gained 16% returns (2433 → 2822). With my historical track record using the rest of my funds, I returned closer to 44.7% in that same time window. Fig and Snapshot did not screw us early investors over.

Gamers can whine they have to use the Epic launcher for a year, but even then it’s eventually still coming to Steam and other platforms. And to top it off, Epic is funding the entire first year of extra content, essentially the first 3 expansions in their DLC roadmap.

So is it a worrying trend from Epic? Yes. I’ve never been a fan of exclusivity. They’ve become the big fish and want to throw their weight around. But I can suck it up for free and/or cheaper games, and I use Privacy to completely mask my payment identity from them.

But do I blame Snapshot? No. The amount of money waved in their face was too much to pass up. And they took care of employees/investors/partners first, very proud of them.

It’s a business deal and the chance for a good developer to successfully navigate the budgetary constraints for indie studios. They are doing what they have to to thrive, not just survive, and a few complaints from gamers that it’s “not on my favorite platform” will have to take a backseat for a year.

If Telltale had had this opportunity, we all would have been screaming at them for shutting down instead of taking this type of deal. I’m still going to miss a few of their games and franchises. Hope a good studio buys the IP and restarts production on the Wolf Among Us 2.


I’ve already shared my view on every point you’ve touched here, entirely and fully disagree with you in almost every aspect and I think you hand waving away legitimate complaints as ‘whining’ is rather unbecoming.
Happy to hear you’ve profited on this travesty though, that’s great for you.


How doesn’t the Telltale example not make sense to you though??? U’d prefer for Telltale to go bankrupt than to take such a deal, for example?

I’m not saying they didn’t cheat their backers, i feel they did, but there should be room for perspective too…

and as i said b4 in another thread, it’s vry ez to talk shit from the sidelines, but most ppl who talk shit would actually behave a lot worse when they’re put into some of the same situations they talk shit about…

(and i don’t mean u by that, but most ppl y, without a doubt)


Just simply not a comparable circumstance.


that is true, but still, perspective

i can understand their decision, even if i cant agree with it


It’s highly comparable to Telltale, as someone that had access to their financials I can say both game companies- like most indie studios - over promise and don’t have a great grasp on time management. The project overruns and costs slip so they end up borrowing using a revolving credit line from a bank, or leveraging all company assets to keep operating. They had a trickle of income from previous projects and continued pre-sales, but that doesn’t cover the month-to-month expenses. Their initial backer funds dried up months ago, that’s why they had to relaunch an aggressive Facebook campaign pre-selling Phoenix Point even harder. So this injection of cash was a lifesaver, the company was running on fumes and I didn’t want to see these developers, artists, and programmers lose their jobs, nor did I want to see the project cancelled.

They still create great games and have a supremely interesting concept with Phoenix Point, that’s why I originally backed them, despite knowing there was no way it would finish in 2018 (and I’m still leery at the Fall 2019 date). I wrote the money off nearly 2 years ago, so yes I was surprised to see returns but I’m more excited the game will be exactly what we asked for and the financial stress is lifted from the devs’ shoulders.

So yes. Without Epic stepping in, there was a very real chance Phoenix Point would have become a Spacebase DF-9. Nobody wants another Spacebase DF-9. That game was stuck in development hell, go research it. We were about 30 days from getting a sequel.


Perhaps a little hyperbole there? None of us are happy when a game signs an exclusivity deal, but from the perspective of an employer it’s a good thing to be able to guarantee your employees that they’ll still have a job in a year and reassure any shareholders. I can’t blame anyone for accepting this sort of deal, it’s the way they handle it that should damn them.


All fair points, but I for instance respect more a bit of having a spine and skills, so I will ask my employees in this scenario: do you want the easy way out and we sold out or do you think we can pull through and make something good that players will buy and enjoy?! If they tell me … they will make crap I will take the deal :smiley:

Moral fibers should be (supposed to) on top of the pyramid… that’s the reason I don’t think someone doesn’t need to tell me I shouldn’t mass murder people… If I need that tip… gee :slight_smile:


the second your employees suspect the company won’t make it they’ll be actively looking for another job and leave u in yr shit


of course … but this isn’t the case in any of those companies is it? And that’s why I deem them spineless and they pretty much tell me they will probably make crap that won’t be able to self sustain them anymore… Just another perspective.


isn’t it though? that’s not the vibe i’m getting from what @Shalandir was saying about the situation

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You are addressing this I suppose:

This is kinda hilarious on many levels and I will try to explain why as best as possible. First of all non of the companies Epic game approached don’t struggle to survive. They only approached studios that can make quality games and bought their upcoming games when they saw there is huge promise there.
Shalandir doesn’t work in those companies and let me be more on point here… Each country has it’s own laws and what not and as well loopholes. Here in bulgaria (no capital letter is intended) you can’t find a successful company even if billions flow through it… you have your parenting companies and the smaller ones to wash the money. The budget of the parenting ones is always just enough to keep them going. What he said he can’t know if he isn’t part of the chain. You can hide money everywhere on the planet… if you can’t … you can always make “small” companies in countries that you can actually do that. :slight_smile:


Do you really feel that this sort of game is going to attract a huge audience? There’s something to be said for a guaranteed future.


I feel everything can attract huge audience if done well enough… COD did somehow, so did overwatch and now the battleroyales. No one that played games for more than 10 years knows how, but everything seems to be possible. Even visual novels can make a breakthrough now :slight_smile:

I almost forgot about pop music :smiley:


more like this:


y but there’s also plenty of rly well-made games that only sold a dozen copies on Steam man, some of which actually made it to the coin shop even