He just did a lamp yesterday that I would have thought unsalvageable. You’ll notice in that new video (and many others) he’ll fabricate new tools on the fly specifically for that one repair job. Dedication to the craft.
Watching is a lot different from doing…
You ever power washed? You get a workout…Especially the arms.
Yea, I know. I’m way to weak right now to do it IRL. The pressure of the water has to be insane, and I can barely carry groceries lately.
How do I go about luring one of you cleaning junkies to my place? Sounds like a win-win. I wouldn’t even charge you for the therapy / workout / satisfaction!
P.S.: I do identify with the bit about overdoing it - once I start, it has to be thorough. The problem is that I keep putting off the start endlessly.
Only if they drop by place before. Having these headaches have made my cleaning routine obsolete.
Has anyone here tried out Lawn Mower Simulator to see if it’s actually enjoyable or just a meme? XD
I haven’t even installed their game mangler yet…So No
I have because it was in the humble monthly.
I find it enjoyable, but i would probably only play it in short bursts.
I also noticed an issue with ghosting yesterday. Not sure what is causing it.
Hope that helps. Dont blame yourself!
Sounds like my monitor has deeper issues than I thought.
Hopefully I can find it some therapy.
Unrailed looks fun, but a bit too stressful for me.
Next week seems to be some bonus for an free-to-play game.
Never tried Doom 64, but i have heard it’s a good version. Genuinely need to try it out.
Ring of pain is another one of those i was interested enough in to put on my wishlist, but not enough to have gotten around to picking it up.