I endorse milk

nuff said


Well lets keep it going then.

What I endorse: Ready Player One (the movie mainly here, but the book i great too)

Why I endorse it: Because it’s a good movie.

Directed by Steven Spielberg and based on a book by Earnest Cline (who also co-wrote the screenplay) this movie is about Wade Watts and his search for the hidden easter egg in the online world of Oasis, a place where people basically live their lives virtually (sort of a VR second life with full immersion). The creator of the Oasis died and set up the hunt so the first person to find the 3 hidden keys and gets the egg will control the Oasis and inherit a large sum of money. A greedy corporate company is also after the egg so Wade and his crew must win to stop their cronies from ruining the Oasis for everyone.

This movie is packed with references from games, movies, music, cartoons, comics and anime, covering from the 70’s down to now meaning there should be at least one thing anyone going to this movie recognizes (I could name off a bunch but I think you would get everyone a bit bored). The acting is good and the realization of the Oasis is fantastic. The movie slows a little in places but there is a lot of action as well and these scenes are spectacular, due to the Oasis sections of the movie being fully animated the sequences of car races to full on gun fights are well choreographed and amazing to watch.

If you have read the book this has the high level plot and characters but much of it is different, but I don’t think you will be disappointed. This is not the sort of movie where you have to have read the book first to understand what is going on, but if you do go see the movie and like it I recommend reading the book, because as I said it is quite different. If you want to take someone who doesn’t like video games or pop culture I think the movie should be OK for them as well, its has a lot of action and adventure sequences so they should get some enjoyment from it.

One of the best movies I have seen based on video games and just a good movie in spite of that. Check it out.


I am loving this thread! I suppose it’s my turn.

What I endorse: The Squatty Potty

Why I endorse it: Honestly I used to struggle in this department, especially have sodium bombed meals. I got one as a gag gift and it really changed the way I … went. Of course you can always just use something to prop your feet on, but I like the curve to tuck it under the toilet. I know most people don’t want to discuss this topic, and I never would’ve bought one for myself, however it works for me and it’s so hard going back to the “normal” way. Plus this commercial is amazing!


It does a body good!


What I endorse: Pacific Rim Uprising
Why I endorse it: Because robots aaaand it’s a pretty damn good sequel to one of my favorite movies. It’s not quite up there but it’s still easily the best movie of 2018 so far. I can’t tell you how I happy I was to walk out of the theater and not feel like shit because of another terrible sequel.
Show Pacific Rim some love.


first the unicorn icecream poop and now the pacific rim gif :rofl:
-i’m dying, my sides, it hurts so much :joy:
:+1: :clap:


This surprises me…having read and enjoyed the book I wasn’t expecting much from the film. Perhaps at some point we might get a Last Starfighter remake.

I think I may well read this.


I agree, I was thinking of skipping the movie because I typically don’t watch films based on books I love.


Yeah I guess just don’t go into it expecting a super faithful recreation of the book and you should be fine.


With spring in the air, I recently unpacked this handy item from my closet and it got me to thinking about this thread. I jokingly endorsed this product in a Bug Butcher giveaway a long time ago, but now I’m being totally serious. I think @hivefleetbothan might appreciate this :smile:

What I endorse: BugZooka

Why I endorse it: Like most people, whenever a bug appeared in my house I would kill it. One night, a number of years ago, there was a huge spider crawling up my wall. I gave it a good whack and abruptly ended it’s life. As I was looking at the crime scene, preparing to clean the mess it left behind, I started to feel really sad. What did this spider ever do to me? Why did I have to kill it? What if it has little baby spiders waiting for it to return home from work?

The next day, I began searching for a more humane way of removing the occasional bug from my house. That’s when I came across the BugZooka.

This product is awesome. It allows you to capture the bug from a safe distance and release it outdoors, fully in-tact (minus any psychological trauma the bug may have experienced in the process :joy:). And being able to examine the bug up close, in the protective glass tube, has really helped me in overcoming a life-long irrational fear of these bastards.


I do enjoy this product indeed @DanosaurJr however, I must endorse a simpler method
I keep a mason jar and a sheet of scratch paper that sit around just to catch any insects that make it into my home.


I endorse

for cleaning the nose, helps with colds, allergies…it feels good…it’s cheap…also it’s not made of plastic so that’s good for our environment…reusable…hygienic…small…something to explain to others that haven’t seen it before…
Yeah it’s pretty great.


Is using that uncomfortable? How does it feel? It just doesn’t look that comfortable – as someone that might use it for the first time lol


For anyone with sinus congestion, it’s worth giving it a go, whether it’s a cold, allergies, etc. The only thing I have to remind people is to please use Sterile Water or Sterile Saline, or the solution you can buy. Boiled tap water should be fine too, but there are organisms that may be in the tap water that could cause problems. Just a friendly reminder… :smiley:


I know it looks weird hehe
I did try it wt this “tool” the first time today, before I used one of those “nose showers” you can buy in pharmacies. You need to make sure you have the right amount of salt in the water, probably easiest to just buy those little preproportioned bags. Then it just feels like something warm in your nose, not uncomfortable at all (given you use warm water). Also NEVER CLOSE YOUR MOUTH while using it or you’ll get the water into your throat lol

Am glad we have clean tap water here, so that’s an non issue for me, but if you aren’t sure if it’s save to use, def. follow @YQMaoski’s advice and boil it.


I would still boil tap water even if it’s readily potable, there could be various microflora that might colonize your nasal passages. The risk is very low, but definitely there. Might as well be safe.

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What I endorse: SPAM FRIESS

Why I endorse it: Because they’re freakin’ good.


I heartily endorse all spam related cooking! It’s part of my heritage after all!


What are these? Like what’s inside? They don’t look very tasty on this pic…

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