[Ended] Steam Link $1 (£0.80) (In 3 Bundles)

Packages typically arrive at your closest grocery store or kiosk if they have mail handling. You get a notice about it in your mail box or by sms and you simply show that notice when you go to get your package.
My “local” store is an hour away too so that’s also fun…


Dearest @Truly, we are truly spoiled.
Our truck engines here are fully oiled.
We click an item on Amazon,
And in our direction it is flung.
To our doorstep it arrives unsoiled.

I don’t know why, I just feel like composing some Limericks lately…

But seriously, you have go an hour out of the way to get your package! :scream: We are definitely spoiled, ours arrive at our doorstep, and when it shows up later than expected, we are complaining on and on about it… :blush:


Heh it’s not that bad, I usually grab them on my way from work which is close to that area.


But I also hear constant horror stories about how packages are routinely thrown around with gay abandon, out of moving vehicles with no care for what they contain of where they land. Also seems like package theft is ripe and why wouldn’t it be with products worth thousands sitting around on open lawns or doorsteps?

I much prefer to be sure I actually get what I order safely and securely by claiming the package first hand at my closest grocer and should the package be damaged I can either refuse to collect or file a complaint about it right there.


This reminds me of my old mail carrier, who would casually fling my packages out of her truck window. I would often hear them crashing into the door. UPS and FedEx were good. They would always get out of the truck and gently walk the package to the door :+1:

I was just writing this exact thing when I saw your response pop up :rofl:


I heard about those stories too, and we have had a few simple things damaged during shipping at times. But fortunately we live in a small town, where we know our delivery guys. They drive into our driveway and put the packages on our back porch. They used to deliver it to the front, but we have since requested that they come to the back, so that is the norm now. Of course if the package is registered and requires signature, they just leave a notice telling us when they will try the delivery next. Usually if we are not there after three tries, they tell us where we have to go to pick it up.

Usually this only happens during the holidays when they have to hire a bunch of temporary workers to cover the heavy load.


We’ve got our glorious Postnord though, they’re just as wonderful. I had a game arrive last week, it was well packaged by the sender yet still arrived with cracks everywhere on the case.


So I picked up my well packaged paper weight today, it’s okay I guess.
I couldn’t get ethernet running after troubleshooting everything I could think of. Wifi however actually works surprisingly well so that’s something