I actually am not much into HOGs either, I just get into one every once in a great while.
Got mine today, works like a charm.
Only 2 downsides are:
- it reignited my flame of hatred for the Steam controller (gotta try it later wt the xbox one, waaaaay better shit)
- there’s a short timeframe for entering the wifi code, ours is so long it took me 3 tries and some high speed controller typing skills to get in rofl
I am glad that it works well for you.
I was thinking of giving my Steam controller another go, but just can’t bring myself to do it.
@DanosaurJr seems to enjoy it, and that was fairly tempting for me to give it another go.
If the Steam readouts are to be trusted then it’s an understatement that it works well for me with merely 5ms of extra delay introduced through the stream!
Honestly: If you didn’t like it at first, like I did, then you won’t like it now either. Nothing has changed, it’s still the same piece of potentially cool hardware, which still doesn’t work nearly as intuitive as the original Xbox hardware does.
After fiddling with some third party controllers I most gladly spent 50 bucks on the Xbox One Controller as replacement for my old Xbox 360 one. It’s just SO much better than the Steam controller.
The Steam Controller is probably the best mixture of K&M and regular controller - jack of all trades, master of none
So, you guys are using wireless connections with the Steam Link? And it works well?
The main reason I never bought one is because the store page strongly recommends wired connections. I mean, if I have to use wires, I might as well just connect my gaming laptop to my TV via HDMI.
Don’t get me wrong, I still prefer the XB/PS controllers for most games. But the Steam controller is not without merit - like the ability to easily rebind any key/button or being able to use a controller with games that lack gamepad support.
If you ever want to give the Steam controller another chance, I recommend checking out some of the videos on this guy’s channel. He has some great tutorials and shows how the Steam controller can be customized for a variety of games:
Keep in mind, most of the videos are a couple years old and the Steam controller has had numerous updates since then.
i think in that case it’s probably more suited to gaming desktops, (them being less mobile and all that), where the link becomes the handy “mobility” factor, “wires” or not, since a home network can be easier to connect to near/“around” the tv, than pulling a 30-100feet hdmi cable depending on where the pc is located (or the controller “LoS” issues when/where that’s the desktop scenario too)
Wireless everything, only cable goes from our receiver to the link <5ms “lag”
The WORST thing about the Steam link is that you can’t connect the xbox controller wirelessly
wireless should work with x360
and wireless with the xb1 with bt according to this XBOX One Controller (For Windows 10 Edition and Steam Link) :: Steam Link General Discussions
if you have the two “older” model x1 controllers, you apparently need some sort of workaround to “maybe” get it to work, according to the wiki List of compatible controllers with Steam Link | SteamWiki | Fandom
might require some fiddling and annoyances of some sort one way or another to get working “proper”, but when i went looking out of curiosity last this link thingy came up, it did look like it should be possible “somehow”
-tho i guess technically “anything” would eventually be possible with x effort, it’s just about if it’s actually worth it in the end
“ahhh the (bygone) good ol’ days of “Plug and Play” ”
We actually called it “Plug and Pray” at times…
“when you weren’t sure if an adapter would power your device, -or blow your fuse box”
Will try this and report back!
i really hope it works, minimum fiddling, and all that regardless
(“hassle” is the main reason why i’m reluctant to move away from my x360 controller when playing on pc, the “works effortless” 99.999% of the time is a big + for me, other faults aside)
Preach. always staying wt the Ms controllers
and fucking yes it worked, so many ppl online wrote it wouldn’t work wo an extra dongle -_-
Thanks a bunch!
Only downside is now if it ever gets reset for some reason I still need a second controller to pair a wireless one to it lol
Pretty decent deal. I never use my Steam Link, but I think the idea is cool. It would be even better if you could still use your PC while someone else plays something light on the link like if they figured out a way to run itself inside of a virtual machine and limit the number of cores it can use. Someone could play the Chrono Trigger port on the Link while you play Doom.
That would definitely be a much better use for the link… I have to change the title, this ended, I didn’t want people to click on it thinking that it’s an ongoing deal still…
But doesn’t running >anything< in a virtual machine take more raw power? So idk how high end your PC has to be for that to work
Depends what you’re running in the VM, yeah? I imagine a pretty low key *nix VM wouldn’t be all that resource intensive as long as you have the RAM. I don’t think the Steam Link is for anyone with a machine that’s too weak either. Imagine the latency.
I’d guess all you need for low latency is some GTX 9xx and a halfway decent i3? Most should come down to the Router afaik, so somebody wt 4Gb RAM probably wouldn’t nearly be able to run that (guesswork)
I’m curious where mine is. I checked the tracking yesterday and it had arrived at a GLS Parcel Shop, but we don’t have one of those in Sweden when I google it. I’m pretty sure it’s coming to a local grocery shop but yeah the tracking is just confusing.
Do you get packages shipped to grocery stores? How does that work?
I hope you get yours soon!