Crazy News Stories

Not the usual fare here but for anyone with even a passing interest in D&D who’s been blissfully unaware (and boy howdy are there a ton of videos and articles on this, I just decided to limit it to two that I felt laid things out pretty clearly):


While I certainly don’t disagree with their point, how is it the school district’s business and why would they be seeking monetary damages? In what possible way would the school district be entitled to anything?

Now social media should definitely be sued by pretty much every government on the planet on behalf of their populations and we should bleed them dry for all they’re worth and use that money for the betterment of society at large. Still unlikely to be enough to repair even a fraction of the damage they’ve caused.


Oh, that’s easy. Despite the reality of whatever schools actually do, they’re SUPPOSED to be for teaching children basic knowledge like math, history, and how to interact with other people in a way that doesn’t damage anyone’s mental health. With TikTok being the children’s first (and perhaps even most-frequent) experience instead, that’s what gets ingrained in their brains, thus meaning the school system–at best–has a much harder time doing their job properly, or maybe even can’t do their job successfully because of how widespread and systemically-entrenched TikTok and its issues are.

C’mon, Fraggles; you’re supposed to be this forum’s top debater, but you’ve been slipping recently.


I don’t know what to say…


Someone made $2000 by crafting bait kotaku couldn’t avoid biting on.


Or they refunded it:

If you had the money and beat it in less than two hours (which is totally doable), you could get a refund as per Steam’s refund policy.

This also seems like one of those “games” that shows up on grey market sites for 99 cents, so even without a refund, that doesn’t necessarily mean the author paid full price.

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And here i’m wasting my time with metal…


Just another reason to NOT go see a movie at the theatre. Greedy asshats!

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No one is on edge much…

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I hope they invent a shot for stupidity.

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This is insane news, made even more insane because it’s about a video game.

Ukraine wants Atomic Heart banned from being sold anywhere and everywhere. Why? Because it’s Russian made and thus, anything Russian, is pure evil and should be eradicated off the face of the planet.

I think the world would be surprised to see what’s behind the releases of many games around the world. Russia isn’t the only one with banks or other companies investing into a game, and yet no one thinks those games are out to steal your data and soul. I mean, China’s investment in Epic Games and is actually selling data and the like, hasn’t even gotten this much attention from the global community. Let’s not get started on Nintendo, which gets its minerals from slave labor in parts of Africa. Or hey, Apple. Although not a game, it still stands that the world looks the other way so they can get their Apple products.

This is what Putin has brought to Russia and Russians. A reignition of pure, global hatred of them. All because the a-hole wants what’s not his and doesn’t care for Ukrainian, or hell even Russian, lives in order to get it. Russia needs to dispose of that lunatic already.


Thing is that not only this game promotes and glorifies soviet union , it is made by rus devs who operate and pay taxes in ruZZia , taxes which is going to be used to finance invasion further. Everyone who buys this game directly support ruzzian invasion of Ukraine and genocide of Ukrainians . Also destruction of their country.

And no , this is not Putin’s war. This is ruzzia’s war. Majority of population there is okay with this whole thing and support all the atrocities. Very small part of them are decent people. Majority is brainwashed degenrates.

Believe me, i know what i’m talking about from first hand experiences :slight_smile:

Anyway. For a lot of you this is just something happening somewhere far. You are snuggly living far from it. I’m constantly checking how western media is covering this invasion . Believe me , they are leaving 90% of stuff out , because it would be too ‘controversial’ for most media outlets.

None of you can imagine brutality of what is happening there . Neither can i , honestly. It’s just that i have access to unfiltered news and i speak with actual people who go directly to front with humanitarian and military aid.

I’m truly disgusted by amount of youtube channels which covered and gave attention to this game. I’ve probably unsubscribed from 25 or so channels in couple of days. Some of them i’ve been following and watching for a decade.

How do you know what the majority of people there want? Because that’s what the news told you, so it must be true? As if the Kremlin doesn’t watch, monitor and control the look of public opinion? That all Russians are all evil scum? They didn’t want Putin, and they still got him. They didn’t want the war, they still got that. There’s a reason why nearly 300,000 men fled the country last year and why the country is forcefully enlisting kids as young as sixteen to fight, because the majority of people do not want to be in the war. They are being forced, or were already enlisted. I think it is incredibly unfair and generalizing for you to proclaim something like that about millions and millions of people you don’t even know.

And just so you know DontBeSilly, I’m Slavic; my direct family escaped from the Soviet Union and I still have family in Belarus, Russia and Ukraine. This isn’t something just “far away” to me. I just think it is ridiculous to demand a game be removed because of Russiaphobia and because people think it’s been made to support a war on Ukraine, when the game was in development before the invasion and war on Ukraine even began.

And it’s unreasonable, unfair and bizarre to punish average people of Russia for something that is ultimately out of their control or to claim that playing a video game directly supports the senseless bloodshed of Ukrainian lives. Does anyone think people wearing an Apple watch supports the enslavement and forced labor of small children in African mines? What about the PC you’re using, which was undoubtedly made using minerals mined from those said mines; do you support that because you own that PC? No, you don’t, right?

I want to add that my taxes go to my government, but I can without a doubt tell you that 100% I do not trust nor support 99.9% of the things that it does. The invasion and war on Iraq, for example, the billions we spend on Israel etc etc.

There seems to be plenty of other reasons one should hate or desire Atomic Heart to be removed (one being 1950s racist comics plastered on the alt-reality 1950s walls or something like that), and it shouldn’t be about Russiaphobia (that is, the removal of something just because its Russian made).

You both have good points. On one hand all commerce one does that generates tax revenue in a country is indirectly supporting whatever that country is doing, whether it’s Russian invasion of Ukraine, The myriad ways China is straight up ruining the world in general or American politicians being stupid on twitter.

On the other hand punishing an individual for what their government gets up to might be unfair as they alone have very little and some times almost no input on the matter. They still do have some input on the matter though, no matter how tiny and to some degree one will have to at least understand why a potential customer chooses to not engage with your business based on nationality in some cases.

However I do believe it needs to still be a choice, I do not support the argument for the game to be outright banned. Unless it can be argued to be in contravention to current economic sanctions. Otherwise it should be up to each individual whether they want to abstain from buying a Russian made videogame or proudly proclaim their support for African child labour by donning an apple logo.

That’s true. Whether one wants it to or not, your money goes to what your government is doing. But as someone in a situation like that, I certainly do not support what my country does just because they take my taxes.

Unfortunately, I do not see the war stopping any time soon, either. Not unless the world pushes in more than monetary and weaponry support for Ukraine. Putin got that constitution rewrite that permits him to stay in power. He’s in power for life, or at least until 2036, where I’m sure if he’s still alive, he’ll worm about for another change that keeps him in power.

How do i know? Because i live in Baltics. My country was occupied by Ruzzia for almost 50 years. My grandparents sent to gulags and killed. My languege,culture,traditions supressed for decades trying to erase our identity. You have absolutely no clue how much damage was done to my country and my people.

Same is happening in Ukraine now. It is a genocide of a nation. You think soviet union is gone? it is not. It just changed name. Mentaility of that country and it;s people didint change in a slightest. And you are trying to defend a fcking game here??

I have encounters with local ‘russians’ on daily basis. Good chunk of them support this genocie and openly mock everyone who helps Ukraine. Their ‘culture’ in essence is one of destroying other nations. And that is a fucking fact , easily seen by studying even a small amount of history.

Yes ,this game should be banned , heck all fucking russians should be banned from everywhere. So they would finally ‘reap what they sowed’. Your arguments honestly are ridiculous. You sound excatly like their ‘excuser’ . “Oh look what X did in Y, why cant we commit invasion and genocide when?” , “Oh you drink coca-cola so you must support Vietnam war?” and blah blah. Do you even read what you write? I will try to write this off to pure naivity and being grossly missinformed rather than a genuine malace.

I can hardly care what american ( even with slavic roots ) thinks he knows about this. You have , literally, zero fcking clue about this subject. You are not here , you dont live with a constant threat just next to you, your whole identity is not under constant danger.

Yes ,this game was started to be made before Invasion, but it is largely funded by ruzzian government and it is clearly a piece of propoganda. And now it is also going to be a tool of funding a war. And you trying to play some ‘liberal’ BS here…heck.

I’m done here.

That doesn’t mean the entire Russian population is responsible or condoned those actions though? Or are all Germans just Nazi scum still because of what their country did? Or are all Turkish people pro-killing Armenians because their ruling power did it? No. I should like to think we all know that isn’t true.

I’m not trying to erase what happened to you and your family, or to your country. Discussing how Russians are not all evil scum because of Putin’s actions isn’t erasing the evils being done to Ukraine, either. I’m not sure why you have come to that conclusion and I’m really sorry to hear about what has happened to your family, but I don’t agree with using things like that to fuel a phobia of millions of innocent people. How would you feel if your country’s government was doing something like that and you came onto this forum to see people generalizing and hating you for something you ultimately have no control over? I’d imagine your stance on the topic would be incredibly different by then.

I’m not defending a game. I think you are confused. I’m arguing that Russiaphobia is wrong, that believing an entire population of a country are all evil and that video games produced there are made to support the invasion and war on Ukraine is ridiculous, unfair, and generalizing. Because it is.

Again, I think you’re confusing government action with support of the entire people. And you have no problem with that kind of blind look on it either. You seem to have a deeply seated hatred of Russians and I don’t think anything I say will convince of you of otherwise. You’ve made your decision that they are all “degenerates”.

Why present the “I’m not x thus I can’t know what I’m talking about” argument as if that can prove anything? And yet by your anecdotal evidence of “knowing some evil Russians” is enough for you to condemn and hate an entire ethnic group of people and should be fuel for me to summarize the entire Russian population against?

It’s not a tool for funding the war, and it’s not being used for it. Yes, its money from taxes will go to the Russian government, but pretty much everything if not everything in Russia does. Should people not eat there, too? I mean, after all, the taxes from grocery stores will go to the government too.

I just want to add for a conclusion: I do not support or condone what is being done to Ukraine. My Russian family and my Belarusian family also does not. It’s cruel to think that millions of people agree with the actions of a government that is quite literally known for its mass manipulation of internal data and opinions, and use such things as evidence that they are collectively of the same mind and are thus all evil scum.