I don’t see any mention about that. Sorry.
And then kotaku publishes a straight up propaganda piece defending it, sounds like it was commissioned by the CCP itself.
Archived link if you want to read the garbage for yourself, without having to touch it directly: https://archive.is/o1pe5
UEG discussing the ever expanding depths to which kotaku is willing to sink.
If I become inactive someday for a few or several days, you already know what happened. This water crisis in our country is no joke.
Account theft is getting more and more sophisticated. I’ve got friends who click every link under the sun and have lost their Steam accounts at least three times because they don’t seem to want to learn not to do that. If people are unwilling to change and improve their security, these hackers etc will always have a profit waiting for them.
This actually occurred to me last night. I was lucky that I decided to search up if it is just me, and I’m glad it’s not just a me thing.
I think people heard of China’s videogame time limits.
It’s gotten a bit more strict with more censorship.
So this means:
Bans homosexuality, sexually ambiguous characters, and storylines making evil choices.
This is in addition to all the content that is banned. (ghosts, religion, Taiwan, banana eating, etc. etc.)
I am not sure what the goal is…maybe just cultural purification? Or maybe they would describe it as removing foreign corruption. I wonder how their citizens will respond to this.
NK 2.0
Illegal Sprinkles
I served my time in the US Navy and after I also served as a Police Officer, an EMT and a Volunteer Fire Person. Emergency Medical Technician in case someone isn’t familiar with the abbreviation.
I’ve seen some weird things. When those things involved females we’d get a call from Mom. Males would call for themselves 98% of the time. Almost every time we’d have to get a parent involved since all of them were underage.
Due to my time in the Military I subscribe to a newsletter called Military Times basically because I like the photos of the new apparatus available to our Military Troops - like the fire truck that runs on jet fuel. I believe I have a pic of that if anyone is interested.
Today on Twitter I found this little ah shall we say interesting tidbit on their Twitter feed:
What I said above about Mom’s calling for daughters and us having to get the parent’s involved were situations like this but not once did we ever have to call the bomb squad in my career as an EMT.
The most common objects we dealt with were glass Coca-Cola bottles and tapered candles. After you’ve transported a few very embarrassed teens to the hospital a few times it stops being funny.
I was also a dispatcher for Police, Fire and Rescue and sending the Rescue to one of these scenes without letting the entire world know what they were responding to really brought out my creative side.
I asked if we couldn’t have a code for this, but it never happened.
My apologies if this upsets anyone. During this covid crisis we’ve all come to appreciate our front line medical workers a lot more. This is another side of their job that they rarely discuss and really don’t like dealing with which I’m sure is understandable.