Hey all. Haven’t been able to post or do much for a while, a mysterious illness knocked me on my ass about a week ago and I’ve been struggling through it. Turns out all my travel and Far East connections didn’t exactly help with my exposure. Went to get tested finally on Tuesday and been in in-home quarantine now for 4 days.
It sucks. A lot. First sign was sore throat. Hard to form coherent sentences in brain (most due to lack of sleep now), arms sore, legs sore, head ache, of course standard sinus infection and post-nasal drip, ear infection (why?! Unlucky…), fever/chills at random times, and coughing with abnormally high amounts of sneezing (even when healthy I usually sneeze twice every time. Now I just get triggered by something and go into sneezing fits), deep chest ache, and sore ribs (from coughing too hard). Sleep is maybe 45min at a time, awake maybe 2 hours at a time, constant daze.
So lessons learned once actually sick:
- GET TESTED immediately. It’s free.
- If you have it, self-quarantine or go to hospital immediately. DO NOT SPREAD MORE. Should be common sense, but you know…talk to doctors and they will guide you on choices.
- DRINK boatloads of WATER, even if super painful and peeing lots or leaking from every face hole you have. Basic aspirin helps me with headaches, nothing fancy necessary, but water water water. Helps with the fever/chills too.
- Been through almost 2 full boxes of tissues for those budgeting. Stop panic-buying 3 aisles of toiletries, even if you catch it it’s not like you need apocalypse-levels of tissues and toilet paper. Good general rule of thumb: DON’T PANIC.
- Try to SLEEP. At least that’s what the doctors keep saying. At least time is passing and your body does all the work to fight the virus, so give it the best chance possible.
Today was the worst day so far so hopefully this is the hump and we can start recovery next week, but I hadn’t seen anything related on what to do if you actually get the virus. Obviously LISTEN TO DOCTORS AND EXPERTS (not social media influencers or gamers on sales forums) and do all the precautions to avoid catching it in the first place like washing with hot soapy water for ~20 seconds and avoid touching your face, but this was more a crash course in what to do if that fails and you are a lucky winner.
P.S. too fatigued to play games, but not for lack of trying. Instead I’ve been watching really cringe and boring shows that I don’t need 10 brain cells working together to understand, and can mostly listen to. The Office is perfect: everyone always told me to watch it, so 1) I’m fulfilling a social duty, 2) you know the exact face everyone is making at any moment since all the actors have the depth of an empty children’s pool and 3) I haven’t laughed once, so it hasn’t triggered any coughing fits. No offense to anyone that likes The Office (I know I’m in the minority that’s why I’m forcing myself to finally watch it), but it’s basically a bunch of adults acting like children the entire show. I’m near season 3 finale and I can list 3 scenes total that made me chuckle at best: 1) episode office finds out Oscar is gay so Angela brings in hand sanitizer and Meredith takes a giant pump and licks it out of her hand. Stupid, gross, and in-character so I kinda expected it, but it met expectations and I chuckled at what actors are willing to do to be a part of a mainstream show. 2) Also the running gag about Phyllis’s fiancé Bob Vance - Vance Refrigeration, even the pastor at the wedding introduced him that way and I admired the commitment and stupidity of it all. 3) Creed says some really oddball things, I think one of his homelessness jokes caught me off guard and finally made me smirk. I like Creed and also the warehouse manager, Daryl. Both seem the most human (quirky but believable). The central romance between Pam and Jim though honestly makes me hope I don’t wake back up from the next Corona nap it’s so stupid. And the main reason I’m so harsh on the show is because it’s meant to be a show that’s shot from a “reality TV” perspective, so the idea is that this is a “real office”. Michael Scott and Dwight and Tobey and Andy and the way they treat each other is so ridiculous that none of the show seems remotely funny to me. Again, just perspective. I find shows similar like Parks and Recreation to be much better. Not “the best”, but clearly comedy isn’t being forcefully executed by a swift kick to the head anytime Tina Fey appears on 30 Rock or Amy Poehler directs a scene in P&R, unlike The Office. I think the main actor Steve Carrell and a lot of the others are funny in other projects and in their own right, but on this specific show? I truly am just watching The Office to pass time and not think about how miserable I am and I don’t feel bad if I pass out from boredom and miss half an episode. Just my opinion.
P.P.S. Okay. I pass out again now, everything aches and this took almost an hour to type on my phone, but I wanted to get this out. Goodnight, and game on.