Chrono Coins - A Super Send-Off ‘Stravaganza

This is where I’m at right now.


This is disappointing news, but I’m curious about what the “great new stuff we’re building” is going to be. The coins were a great way to get me and probably quite a few other people here to look at games that we otherwise wouldn’t care about. I understand with the big retailers giving away free games now by the dozens, it’s probably hard to compete in that arena.

From what I’ve seen though, you may be leaning into your partnership/creator store project - which is probably a great plan. People watch streams and videos to determine what they buy seemingly more than anything else now, myself included. If I’m not reviewing a game or it’s not something I’m already familiar with, the first thing I do is check reviews.

Whatever the case is though, I’ll still be showing up even if I don’t have any fun coin buttons to click!


I’ve enjoyed the deals over the last couple years, I’ll miss this :’(


I hadn’t even noticed I passed 1k spins a while back o: Apparently I’m at 1015.

I won’t actually miss the coin shop I think, I’ll only miss the coins xP There haven’t been many games I’ve wanted, even back in the early days when the coin shop routinely hosted indie darlings. And Chrono is so big now that when great games do show up, most people aren’t able to get a key, and that just leads to disappointment, which isn’t what Chrono is meant for. I do hope there’ll be some stuff I’ll find interesting in the next batch, I’d love to spend my remaining coins.

You’re not alone @Danacscott, I’d also nearly completely forgotten about the creator stores! I hope those’ll get some more attention in the future. None of the creators I care about are big enough to participate in the program, so that may be why I forgot about that feature.


Sad to see it leave but thank you for all the awesome games you’ve given out the last few years and hope what ever comes after it is awesome.


The deals seem here to stay, just the Coin Shop that will be gone come next month.


The forum crashed for me earlier and when I got in so many people typing ahhah
I probs wont be able to get much final games since i don’t have any decent amount of coins.
Thanks for the good times
I will still be visiting even without the daily click because these days i mostly visit for the forum rather than that.
I hope the new features that are instore are exciting! I can understand why the coin store is being removed because it being a distraction from everything else and games getting to expens etc. But it was what made me stick around at first when U found this site through some link.


Wow Seven already gone, RIP me I guess.
Thanks for the amazing games Chrono.GG
Going out with the bang :+1:


Can you guys elaborate on what may be in the works? Even just a little? Also since we are sharing our times here I’ll share mine aswell.


I feel you, I missed dead cells by 2k coins and have been stockpiling ever since and now I have 106k coins with nothing to do. F.


This mine :slight_smile: , but looking at some people like wow you guys must have been here clicking for a while :0


This feature was the only thing keeping me coming back to the site. I think a lot of people are going to vanish along with Chrono Coins.


Thank you for the journey!
Sadly I don’t buy the dailies because the dollar is really expensive here and normally it costs about the same price of the full game for my currency, but I won’t leave the site behind.
Again, thank you, it was fun : )


spends 3 years cultivating an utter OCD complex in people, then yoink it away, now that’s some cold turkey therapy for you :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
wp chrono, wp… :expressionless:

jokes aside, thanks for the free games and spinning times :+1:,
i haven’t been clicking coins for a while, still checking in daily :confounded:
and will probably keep peeking in, juuust in case it turned out you had a nice deal, i hear supposedly you sell games too once in a while besides the coin shop apparently ?:hushed::thinking:


wait… what do i do if i only have 7-8 thousand coins! lol


Well, since you have stopped offering paypal as a payment option for germany, i am unable to purchase games. But i was hoping that paypal would be offered again and also could tell american friends about good deals. Now without coins in the future there is literally no reason to visit the site again. :confused:


PayPal should be available again outside of the US. Let us know if you’re having issues still!


I win i guess?


Originally found from a TotalBiscuit/CynicalBrit -video, and started collecting coins for Brigador. Sadly missed it, but found so many more good games, and even got some for free!


Same here. I missed Dead Cells and started hoarding coins to make sure I had enough if another Dead Cells-level game was added.