Sad to see it go, even though I haven’t picked up anything from the coin shop for a long time. The coins were the reason I first visited these forums.
Kudos to the Chronos team for the final five games in the coin shop. That’s an amazing selection.
Sad to see it go, even though I haven’t picked up anything from the coin shop for a long time. The coins were the reason I first visited these forums.
Kudos to the Chronos team for the final five games in the coin shop. That’s an amazing selection.
Eh, I won’t manage to get any of these games even if I clicked every day till the end :< It’s kind of… disappointing? But hey, I understand. Does Chrono itself stay?
Well so long then and thanks for all the fishes
Im sad to see the coin shop go because with all its default it did helped gather a community, many of those people may not come back once the coin shop is gone.
Can we get an absolutely useless coin to spin just in order to reinforce our engrained Obsessive Compulsive behaviour?
You can get the site to alert you of the daily deals, there is a notify section on the top of the home page. Also you can get email notifications of the daily deal if you wish.
Not the final five games. Still five to go.
Yes, the website and daily deal will still be around.
That’s a shame, but understandable if you’re looking to make changes and try new things with the platform.
One thing I think was really important about coins was that they encouraged daily checking of the Chrono store. I rarely make a purchase these days but I signed up for email notifications in order to get my daily coins, and always gave the game a fair look while I was there. With coins going I’ve now got nothing to gain from looking at these emails (which, let’s be honest, are opt-in ads) unless I make a purchase. Perhaps I was in a minority though, and coins weren’t doing their job well.
So then, do you guys have any plans to add something else that would encourage that user behavior? I’m totally in support of this move if it’s part of a larger plan for improvements, but as it stands atm it feels like a tool to draw eyeballs to the store every day is being removed without a replacement.
:’( Ahhh.
Thanks for what you’ve done & all the best with the future! o7
Sad to see the coin shop go, but I’d be sadder if the site as a whole disappeared. If this prevents that from happening, then do what you have to do!
Very sad new but well… the only that ramains is a big THANKS for the amazing works you guys have done
The sad news, but even sadder for me is that I can’t buy out new games not one for coins
I like to use this one when I need my fix, let’s hope it sticks around.
Bummer, this was my only motivation for checking the site daily.
I’m gonna download the page, just in case.
Thanks to the team for all the games!
I have a question: is Redout: Enhanced Edition the base game or base game and all DLCs? I assume it’s just the base game, but better safe than sorry.
After it’s gone, it’d be cool to see some stats about the overall coin clicks: longest user streak, average clicks/day, etc.
It’s solely the base game. The DLC packages are not included.
What do I do now with 75k coins? I have been waiting for a Dead Cells-like deal that I missed.
Oh my, this is such sad news right here