ATTENTION: WORKING NOW!!!!Download Mini Ninjas For Free At Square Enix

SO…should I leave this open over night and see if they get some more keys or just close it? :thinking:


or maybe changed the title to ended for the moment? And bump it if its live again?


I tried this all day hoping it would work for me (it obviously hasn’t) but it should work eventually before May 15 or I’ll have to contact customer support.


Hi guys. This is Eric from the Square Enix MEMBERS community team. Just wanted to let you know that this promo is still valid, but we had to turn it off temporarily. Will be live again most likely on Monday so please stay tuned to our account for an official announcement.

Ofc I dont know if its true…


PS, i’m about 30secs into this game, -and i’m freakin lovin it,
it’s gorgeous, and absolutely adorable and and cute imo :blush: , can’t wait to see where this takes me :smiley:

Edit. Yup, definitely cute and fun, very semi-casual if one wishes, but with more “options” to explore also if that strikes one’s fancy.
Either see if you can grab this come monday (or whenever the promotion comes back up again), or if you look on the steam page and think “hmm yea, that maybe looks like something for me” -wishlist it, and grab next time it’s on sale (i’m guessing a dollar fifty like the other times?)
it’s well worth the low price to entry for it’s relaxing silly/cute simple yet fun entertainment value alone
-can’t wait to return to it later :+1:


Man am so hyped for monday


I got this in my RSS feeds…As @yoshirules pretty much said…

"ATTENTION: Postponed until Monday
Here is a message from the “Square Enix MEMBERS community team”:

“… Just wanted to let you know that this promo is still valid, but we had to turn it off temporarily. Will be live again most likely on Monday so please stay tuned to our account for an official announcement.” – Reddit post by Square Enix staff!"

So look out for it!:eye:

Edited: I would go ahead and set up an account etc.


Lets watch it crash and burn just as badly on Monday as everyone comes back to try again.


Yea, I already had a key plus I waited for over 3 hours for another…so I will bring the popcorn!:popcorn:


Why? You think the guest check out won’t work?


Woo free game! Maybe someone can I guess I’ll say answer this. One of my friends who is a huge PC gamer said something about I think a bonus for having a certain amount of steam games. Back when F1 2015 was free on humble bundle he said, “…awesome now I can get…” I don’t remember exactly what it was I Think some kind of bonus. I feel like I confused you. Hopefully not, and hopefully you can answer this.


You do whatever you think is best for you “Mr. Delete Your Account” person…:joy:

Probably… a level…but if not…Yep you confused me too then…:crazy_face:

But it doesn’t take much to confuse me!


I tried it once more with no luck. It’s still not Monday yet according to Square.


I tried it when the post began, and it wouldn’t let me have it, I think this is just for Americans, as are a lot of things, like getting free bits on twitch >.>


the only bonus i could ever remotely think of is a “badge” change in your steam profile (game collector badge -if/when “enough” depending on X amount 50-100-500-1k+), or if enouhg games/the right amount, a steam profile lvl increase (tho with 1xp per game at a certain point it takes 100s of games to get 1 lvl for just games)
other than that… more cards to farm from the games, mebe ? :man_shrugging:, and that’d pretty much be it… can’t think of much more :thinking:


:thinking: americans wake up late ? :man_shrugging:

ya done tried that fancy vpning then, and join the “pretend” americans/“online immigrants” ? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


I don’t think anything in particular unlocks at a certain number of games except badge like you said. However, different profile levels do unlock more feature for your account like how much you can show off on your profile, number of people on your friends list, booster pack drop rate, etc. In typical Valve “vaguery” I don’t think there’s an official list of this stuff.

On topic, whenever this goes live again I would be quite grateful if someone posted letting us all know :slight_smile: I don’t think I actually own this game for whatever reason even though it’s pretty old now.


Steam level correlates to some negligible bonuses. People have dug into it:

But if you ask me, it makes more sense to just focus on getting and playing games you like.


Does this actually happen… I have never walked along the streets of Valve and had picked up an accidentally dropped wallet from other unsuspecting strangers or the 1s and 0s of Steam…


BTW, this offer in Squenix’s Store is now working again.

Remember to type in MiniNinjas as your code.