Anyone Want These (Free) Keys? - Closed

Hi DanosaurJr is Expand still available?

Could I have Quiplash please? It’s a neat little game I think my friends will like.

Cosmo’s Cosmic Adventure

Mind if I take Choice Chamber off your hands?

I would like Velocity Ultra :smiley: Thanks!!

I’ll take the leftovers, please.

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I didn’t have time to create a fun contest like you or @delenn13. I just wanted to unload some keys. Didn’t want to make a big deal out of it. But thanks for your applause :smile:

Seems the remainder of the games have been claimed since I’ve been gone.

Here are the latest updates:

@NME1 gets GAUGE
@orbus gets Expand
@Ady00 gets Velocity Ultra
@minimodgamer gets Quiplash
@Sl0ne3 gets Z.A.R.
@Riouz gets Choice Chamber
@DemonNinja gets Cosmic Adventure

Those of you who didn’t already get your keys will receive them later tonight. Apparently, I have reached the max number of messages I can send and must wait 7 hours.


Sorry @ManuelBynni, @valentiney, @MrTrick, @HiHi007, @DoomCaek. The games you wanted were already claimed by someone else :disappointed: Thanks for participating though!


Kudos to @DanosaurJr. This was really nice of you. I was just trying to make sure active members got keys …is why I did what I did.


Aaawww oh well. Thanks for having this opportunity in the first place!

Thanks so much DanosaurJr. Sorry for my late reply.