i have dinamic ip but i was using chrome only in Android. Obviously for not spend all my time, i login in constantly with the same ip in all acc’s after i get all arp that i can get in the day (except twitch).
Thinking well, it would have been better, having five browsers on the phone and with the accounts always logged in. I also used a VPN to get 5 arp every day with the mini-game.
A lot of times when connecting with a vpn, sometimes it showed me that my account was suspended but it was always enabled instantly after changing ip.
Surely it showed me that message for using an ip banned from the vpn by alienware
New month, new games available from The Game Vault. And just like Epic Games and Indiegala they’re repeating two games from past Vaults and one from one of their giveaways.
I’ll skip this one for sure.
Yeah, they’ve inflated many games along the way in order to combat bots and multi-account abusers so it’s harder for them to get keys.
If they’ll succeed on this only time will tell.
Don’t forget to get the “free” Artifact from the Marketplace. It costs 1 ARP and it’ll boost your Twitch ARP gain by 1 and also increase by 1 the number of ARPs you can get through the daily login. However it can be upgraded, giving more points the more Fragments you use to do so.
@markwr Yes, they’re also new, and you use them to upgrade the Artifacts. On the Marketplace they’re always selling a pack of 10 Fragments for 100 ARP, which you can buy only once per month.
You upgrade Artifacts on the same place where you equip them as you showed in your picture.