Holy jackpot! Thank you for the PSA!
Me too! The only thing I despise is getting raided by other online players…
getting raided online? are we still talking about MGSV? 'cause I’ve never been raided xD
Oh we are. I haven’t been raided yet either, it only gets unlocked after a certain main mission, which is why I didn’t play any further than I did lol It can happen while you are offline
Also Chrono is telling me I might be posting too much in this thread lol
ah right well thats ruined that game for me. thanks.
Believe me, I’m am just as ew-d about it as you are. Thought it was only me who found it to be a dumb idea tho
its disgusting.
obviously something thrown in by Konami
surely Kojima-sama wouldn’t do such a thing.
It does kill my rating for it, which would almost been as positive as for MGS: PW
@anon74641759 I know Prey-Shock is a good game regardless, but seeing the old Prey 2 promos just hurts. Human Head, free of 3D Realms’ influence. Free to do whatever they wanted… and they chose to make a game about bounty hunters, the sketchy alien criminal underworld, and Dying Light style parkour. It. Looks. Incredible.
If the insider reports are true [and they’d be consistent with reports from companies on similarly cancelled projects], Prey 2 was going fine. It only fell apart when suddenly Zenimax put up an impossible brick wall of a deadline, then failed them for not being in an alpha state tomorrow, not being in beta phase a week later, not going gold two weeks later, etc… obviously simplified, but you get the point.
RIP the best game I never played
The trailer looks amazing, the demo (no way this is 720p) looks a bit too prototype-state to me, but the concept is very nice. I hope they are just waiting for a better time to create a game like this, maybe when we got even more powerful GPUs :3
Maybe I should actually finish (the new) Prey some time xD
I don’t know, I thought it looked like the game was pretty far along. The mechanics remind me a lot of Dying Light, and it’s definitely a lot more fluid than its competition (Far Cry 3, etc). Either way, the game’s probably never happening. I don’t see them ever trusting Bethesda again, so as long as they hold the rights, this project is just going to rot away on a hard drive stored upside-down in a closet somewhere… or there’s some guy at Human Head who smuggled some source code for the day that Bethesda loses the rights to Prey.
Either way, Human Head finally announced their next game after this project went down (Minimum doesn’t count, the developers were clearly in it while Atari was just there to cash in).
I’m definitely interested in it, but at the same time I can’t help but be concerned with their timing. Norse themed games are pretty common right now, and I really don’t want this to get buried.
If you aren’t aware of Rune, it’s an Unreal Engine 1 game and Human Head’s first game (to my knowledge)… it’s a good mix between platforming and hack-and-slash gameplay. They released a GOG-style remaster a while back:
Rune was such a great game, I’m delighted to hear they’re working on a new one.
2000:1 was worth playing if you liked 2001 IMHO, didn’t bother with the others. Took a minute to figure out exactly what they wanted from me in the last bit, but it’s not so obtuse you can’t figure it out. No ability to save, so give yourself at least 30 minutes (or longer, if you’re a peruser).
7 free in the Trove at the moment. As to their quality …
Keyboard Sports looks kind of ok?