Yogscast Jingle Jam 2021

I see @Riouz has turned into Santa Claus :santa:t3:


I’m not tracking what others have already expressed interest in, so I’ll just mention titles I find nice (in order of interest). I’d love any one of these games if someone ends up with a duplicate or unwanted copy:

  • Barotrauma
  • Northgard
  • Heaven’s Vault - [received]
  • Embr
  • Empyrion: Galactic Survival
  • Murder By Numbers
  • Shift Happens - [received]
  • Just Die Already
  • Pankapu
  • Sizeable
  • Crowntakers

ps - I’m not getting the bundle myself. After all these years, I’ve finally saved up enough to buy a new laptop. :nerd_face: So, my budget is a bit low now. :shushing_face: Also, I’m going to be busy and distracted setting up, configuring, and installing stuff on it for a few days. :dizzy:

Edit: Thank you very much @Riouz, for Heaven’s Vault and Shift Happens!


I still have a bunch of keys left, but it seems not a lot of people found this thread :speak_no_evil:


Then you just have to play the games yourself. It’s nice of you to give games away!


I did pick out everything I wanted, so I have games I don’t want and a bunch of keys for games I already owned.
To be completely honest I collect way more games than I actually play :man_facepalming:


Congrats on the laptop. Hope it’s better than ours. It’s always running hot…
Make sure you use Ninite…It will save you a lot of time from going to website to website…


These games look pretty good for this Jingle Jam this year actually. And if anyone has any of these games they won’t use for themselves, I would love to give them a home :v:

  • Anodyne 2: Return to Dust (the first one was a fun game, i’m glad to see this here)
  • Project Winter
  • Barony

Edit, thank you to @Riouz for sending me Hearthlands and Wheels of Aurelia!


Thanks @delenn13 :sparkles: :dizzy: :sparkles:

I install apps in custom locations, but this says it uses default locations. :shushing_face:


Wow I was late for the party, if someone ends up with some spare keys from these games and don’t want them, I would be happy to accept them

  • Northgard
  • Disc Room
  • Siezable
  • Barony [Recieved, really appreciate it]

I got survey money coming in a few days. Most of the games you all have requested I will be keeping and it’s the reason i am buying the bundle. I would suggest to rethink your requests. I , also, have family following me so I may have to give a few towards them. Northgard, Wildermyth and many others on my WL and even some not on my list. You can see if you check the games out whether I have it or not if you are following me on Steam. If you aren’t following me, you should be. :heart_eyes: :sunglasses::star_struck:

Off the top of my head, I know I have these…


I already own almost these 4 except for Pankapu. Do you have a key for this one or are you just showing it off ?


Thanks @delenn13 :sparkles: :dizzy: :sparkles:

EDIT: I already received 2 keys above from @Riouz, so do other people first.


No. I do not have a key at the moment but I think others have requested it. I want to try to make sure everyone gets one key if I can manage it. When i get my keys, I will be watching who already has things…Maybe that person who requested has already gotten other games… We will see. Add it to your list.

When the deal is over, We can increase your lists…or I and others who bought it can list the keys they have left over.


Oki… Here are a cute few things I would like if y’al have spares. Oooh and I hope someone hears crows about Wildermyth… wanna hear about it!

Make Sail (it’s EA but looks workable)

With luck, I can help you guys reduce your keys list.

Farm Manager 2018 [Thanks @Riouz]. ^^


Good plan. I think I’ll add Pankapu to my list, then, along the following from my previous list:

  • Empyrion - Galactic Survival

  • Wildermyth

  • Northgard

  • Hyper Light Drifter

I confess I’m mostly interested in Empyrion, though.

Edit: I added some more games to my new list.


I might increase my list later or if there are any particular keys left will see.
Though I got a lot to play lol
I’m hoping to have time to play some more stuff over xmas ^^ i’m pretty happy with what I got


I recommend Frog Detective and Helheim Hassle to anyone that has not played them, though Helheim Hassle ends with a time trial, so i just watched the end on youtube.
I also heard good stuff about Disc Room.

The main thing i want on this bundle is Heavens Vault, so it’s an easy skip for me.


Well updating my list but i still maintain hope with Northgard

  • Northgard
  • Heartlands
  • Disc Room
  • Pathway
  • Siezable [Got it from other source]
  • Barony [Recieved, really appreciate it]
  • Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad with Rising Storm
  • Valfaris
  • Embr
  • Hyper Light Drifter

Good idea, at the rate this is going I will still have some keys left, so I will join in giving all the spares away afterwards.


Thanks again to @delenn13 and any others who have or will be providing games here. :sparkles: :dizzy: :sparkles:

I am quite busy in RL right now, so I may not be around when a list of available games is published. Thus, I will post my SECONDARY list of wanted games NOW, so I can “relax”. The games below are not as important to me as my first list posted above, but I’d be quite happy to get any of them if there are orphaned “leftovers” that you are dealing out among folks. Once again, these are in my approximate order of preference (after my main list):

  • Wildermyth
  • Anodyne 2: Return to Dust
  • Helheim Hassle
  • Hearthlands
  • Farm Manager 2018
  • Urban Trial Tricky: Deluxe Edition
  • Make Sail
  • Ultimate Chicken Horse
  • ClusterTruck
  • XThrust
  • The Void Rains Upon Her Heart
  • Jumpala
  • Kind Words
  • Frog Detective 1: The Haunted Island

I’d still like you to give games to other folks first, before looking at my list. :dizzy: