It’s no longer available here either, but it’s not region locked out of here. My guess is that it sold out quickly due to the sale.
So let me get this straight, it’s Nuuvem imposing the region lock and not the game? Aren’t they a Brazilian company? Strange that the games wouldn’t be available in South America
@Enki yo, call the gang. Vamos tocar o terror.
Uh oh! Somebody got into trouble!
It was supposed to be on sale for 6 days and I don’t recall them saying there were a limited number of keys available. Very strange.
This is the first time I ever bought anything from Nuuvem (never even been to the site before). I got a little freaked out when, after I placed my order, a message popped up saying my order is in review and I would have to wait up to 24-hours. But then I got an email a few minutes later saying my key was available
Gnuffi for your extensive research on this matter.
@DanosaurJr Shhh…
Why are we getting locked out from editing a post when the system edits our post to upload the image?
i’m just mostly curious now why they don’t wish to sell to eu(i’m guessing "vat&stuff"rules), and especially Brazil, -seems so odd to exclude your own country/region deliberately like that anyway
yea what is up with that?!, and why does it seem to also be “sometimes”? changes be confusing…
this pulverized part of my soul and made it float towards the stars out of sheer glee; by the thought of an army of sloths and capybaras, side-by-side, marching down a hillside (banners and everything), into a city leading to Nuuvem HQ building
You’re describing the live scene now. Just tune into Jornal Nacional today night for the footage of capybaras and sloths wrecking stuff.
Can you hear that nervous laugh? music to my ears