So if you own The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt on any platform that is connected to GOG Galaxy 2.0 you can claim it on GOG for free. Also if you already own it on GOG and another platform you can claim the free code as a giftable code of the game to give to a friend.
From the site:
Which The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt releases are eligible for this action?
PlayStation, Xbox, Steam, Origin and Epic Games versions of:
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Game of the Year Edition
Hmm. So if i own it on Steam,claim it on GOG which makes me own it both on Steam and GOG i get another giftable copy because now i own it both on GOG and Steam or this loophole was too obvious and is accounted for ?
No, so if you already have it on GOG and another platform and then claim the free copy for GOG you will get a giftable copy, so you would had to already purchased the game twice before claiming. I edited the original post to make it clearer.
I already owned the GOTY Edition on both GOG and Steam. When I claimed my copy, instead of giving me a giftable copy (like. it says in the FAQ), it instead gave me a GOG copy of the Regular Edition
For those who use Steam and were affected by this “feature”…
We are currently investigating the issue with the Steam Witcher 3 GOTY Editions and will update you as soon as it is resolved. Apologies for any inconveniences caused.
If you go to the galaxy client, and link in the appropriate account that already has witcher 3 on there, then you can go to the Witcher 3 GOG store page on the client and on the activities side on the left side of the screen it just says for you to click on it and claim it to your account for free.
As others have mentioned, even if you own GOTY edition on Steam, the GOG copy is still currently the base game, hopefully they fix this, but then again, I guess if they don’t fix it, then i will be set on playing it through Steam, lol.