Ah crap! A month has passed, and the game’s still at the main menu? Ok let me fix this now.
Exit Game?
C:\whereami> _
cd iamheretrainer
C:\whereami\iamheretrainer> _
iamheretrainer.exe -hook whereami.exe
Activate cheats within trainer?
Input cheat command.
load state
Input date of game state.
february 14, 2018
Input time of game state.
5:20 AM
Entrance to Hades
You are outside a large gateway, on which is inscribed
Abandon every hope all ye who enter here!
The gate is open; through it you can see a desolation, with a pile of mangled bodies in one corner. Thousands of voices, lamenting some hideous fate, can be heard.
The way through the gate is barred by evil spirits, who jeer at your attempts to pass.
Disable iamheretrainer.exe
Disable and remove trainer?
iamheretrainer.exe removed from whereami.exe
Entrance to Hades
You are outside a large gateway, on which is inscribed
Abandon every hope all ye who enter here!
The gate is open; through it you can see a desolation, with a pile of mangled bodies in one corner. Thousands of voices, lamenting some hideous fate, can be heard.
The way through the gate is barred by evil spirits, who jeer at your attempts to pass.
There! I unbroke it! @xist , you’re back on as (Digital) Game Master. Everyone start throwing commands.