What game do you always go back to?

Whenever I need something more active and fast paced-ish, I always find myself returning to Borderlands 2.
If I find some time with my siblings, Mario Party 4 and 7 are super fun.

But when I need a calming break from classes and projects (curse you senior year of college!!! :confounded: ), whenever I get the chance, I always load up Minecraft. And I donā€™t mean the super updated, server filled, 100+ hyper modded Minecraft that we all know today. I mean the Minecraft times before single player commands were implemented. Thereā€™s just something therapeutic about having a world without too many biomes or things to automate or search for. Just a simple world to build whatever comes to mind. Itā€™s one of the greatest places to relax for a while (in my opinion).


For me APB:Reloaded i have put over 750+ hours in an almost 2 year span and since spring of 2017 iā€™ve played it off and on again every month or two and it might be time to play it again soon. APB is just a game that has so many negatives to but at the end of the day its a fun game to play and sometimes the itch to play it is to much and i need to play it.


Terraria and Fashion Warframe


Welcome to the community @Culdra1600 and great first post!

The one game I keep going back to is FTL. Been playing this game on and off since 2012 and it never gets old. There is still one ship that I havenā€™t yet unlocked, which motivates me to go back and play at least a few times per year.

Wait, there is a remastered Dark Souls 1 coming out this year? On PC? :heart_eyes:


Yes may 25th im so excited.


Diablo 2 used to be that game for me, kept playing that for years and years. But now itā€™s been a while. I also used to return to X-Com 2: Terror from the deep ever other year or so, play it for a week or two until the late game levels would start chug down and get annoying to play. Because the game just canā€™t actually handle itā€™s own levels.

I played Planetside 2 for about 2 years, half of which was in beta. But the group I played with slowly disbanded until there were not enough of us around anymore and itā€™s not a very fun game to solo. I think Iā€™d like to get back into it at some point, unless theyā€™ve managed to ruin it since.

For now though I donā€™t really have any games I keep playing continuously, I have far too many games to ā€œwasteā€ time on F2P grindfests or online matchmakers. I now try to play games to completion and then move on to another one. Though I do some times miss the social element of multiplayer games.


This is pretty much what I try to do but with multiple games at once, Play one game for a bit then play another and another and so on, then when I finish one I start a brand new game.

I have played Wow in the past and have quit several times as well, I am of the opinion no one really quits for ever so I may return someday to that but I am kinda hoping not for a while because I know it will interfere with all my other games that I play.

I try hard to play a game once but some games have brought me back for another try, eg The Walking Dead series, I had to go back through and try other options to see how I can change the outcome. Telltale games have that ability.

Other games I have come back to are those that I have played and just fall out with, not for any particular reason but they just donā€™t get played for a while and generally when that happens I usually will want to start back from scratch because I forget what I was doing.


I canā€™t really do that, if I stop playing a game halfways I find it very hard to get back to it and finish it. I have at most 2 ā€˜mainā€™ games at any time. Usually one sit up and pay attention game and one lie back and take it easy game. Then maybe 1-2 more pointless waste of time games that have no real progression to them or any other kind of investment that are just nice to just pop into for half an hour when you donā€™t want to do anything else.


/raises hand. Me too. :+1: Welcome to the Forum!!:gift_heart:

I have about 15 games that are never ending, just walk through, untimed games on my PC that I play when i am brain dead. :exploding_head:


60 Hz and 4k textures ā€¦ I just hope they wonā€™t break the PvP mechanics :frowning:

By the way FTL is amazing ā€¦ I played 34 hours after I got it, but I pilled up so many rogue lites I never got back into it, which reminds me I need to finish SOTS : The Pit too ā€¦ which is amazing game too :frowning:


@nebula7 @Gnuffi @DanosaurJr @delenn13 and anyone I missed (my 20lb cat demands cuddles so its hard to go through the post right now) thank you for the welcomes and such! Iā€™m digging this community so far! :clinking_glasses:


Also a big fan of FTL, endless replay-ability. My other go-to is Dungeon of the Endless, which scratches many of the same itches. Tactical pause, an element of randomness, and that sweet, sweet pixel art.




Terraria and Mount and blade:Warband


S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Call of Pripyat (& the other two, buy mainly this one).

First time played it, it was super tough & I quit really early on. One day looking for something to play, I gave it another shot & am glad I did.

Replayed this countless times, have a few modded versions installed at any one time.

Thereā€™s just nothing else really like it at all. Everything is trying to kill you, from mutant Dogs, Bloodsuckers, several factions & even the weather, but the most lethal thing, the thing that gives every S.T.A.L.K.E.R. nightmares, would be the Hamsters. Ye gads, those Hamsters!!