I’m already home doing some translation work but this is really great! Thanks, Delenn dear!
(can’t find the vinyl version I listen to at home on YT, sadly)
I’m already home doing some translation work but this is really great! Thanks, Delenn dear!
(can’t find the vinyl version I listen to at home on YT, sadly)
Jesus, went to bed after my last comment and woke up to this ‘heart attack’.
But yes, gonna continue Bojack later today, most likely.
Feel free to PM me if you wanna shed some tears together and freak out. Or a virtual hug.
Guys, I’m really addicted to the “America’s Greatest Hits - History” album. Good stuff.
Also, I’ve recently added a one-man-band, Cosmo Sheldrake, to my all-time favorites.
So, without having any particular interest in it, or any reason to watch it I decided to give Baby Driver a viewing. Aside from the awful name (yes I know it’s a Simon and Garfunkel song) it was a great movie. Imagine a fun version of Drive that didn’t take itself too seriously. Great soundtrack too.
Not from the soundtrack, but I love this song-
That made me sad the other day so… hehehe.
Warning tho
: I read that her mom passed away around that time so… yep, mind your step! I don’t know how sensitive you are to this kind of thing and I don’t want to ruin your weekend or anything.
(I don’t actually)
It’s ok…I’m not overly sensitive. If we’re on the topic of songs on the subject matter of a departed mother then this one is another that makes me a little quiet.
Also, watched Thor Ragnarok. Thought it was great…loved the over the top humour, the 80’s neon ending credits, the stupid jokes. Yes it was nothing like anything that had gone before (aside from GotG), but ultimately evolving Thor away from the 2D stoic hero into something else is an interesting move.
Ooh, this will be interesting.
Well, for starters, my friends and I recently watched that Fullmetal Alchemist movie that was on Netflix.
Pardon my language, but it sucked dick.
Bear in mind that I’ve only watched the first ten episodes of the original series. Even so, it felt like it dragged on way too long, and from what my friends told whilst we were watching it, there was a lot of characters that were omitted from the source material, which was even worse for them. Not to mention that the cast looked bored all the way through, especially the actor for Edward Elric in some scenes, to the point where they look dead inside.
Never again are we going to watch it, and neither should you if you ever planning on watching it.
However, a couple of weeks later, we then watched an anime series that’s actually good, called Citrus.
Basically it’s one of them lesbian romance anime, so if you’re not interested in that, then it’s best you don’t read this (even though this first impression is going to be written in a shitty way). Also it can get really raunchy in some points, so there’s that.
So far, we’ve watched only 5 episodes of it, and so far, it’s really, really good. I’ve already the manga version beforehand, so when I saw that the adaptation was released, it made me really giddy about it. In the end it, so far, left me really satisfied.
Already the major moments from the manga were nailed perfectly, the characters sounded how I imagined it to be and the art style is exactly as it is in the source material.
Again, it’s great so far and I recommend it if your into this sort of thing.
As for listening to things, it’s mostly just chill music from artists like TeZATalks and CRX, I guess, as well as other songs.
I’ll put them down here:
TeZATalks - Love (Acoustic)
STéLOUSE - Sociopath
CRX - Broken Bones
Flobots - Mayday!!!
Flobots - Stand Up
I’ve watched It on the big screen… Oh boi…
Didn’t really cried when you’d expect It (In like I cried when expected + other times) but that was one of the moments.
The pacing of that movie is superv and that moment holds just enough afsadfa
I got a nosebleed at the end I cried so much. Not to big hahaha, gosh my head hurted big time.
I don’t cry for everything I swear (like It’s a bad thing lol) but I feel like Weepy McWeep Face around here.
this is me right now:
rewatching Stargate SG-1, dang i enjoy that! -it’s been so long
but gd frickin’ dang is Atlantis painful to watch , last time i couldn’t stand to watch it to completion, i wonder if that’s going to be different this time, of if i’ll enter a coma from a herniated brain first…
me neither, well, almost not, -sort of…
yea, real good movie, i’m quite looking forward to the 3rd installment, really crossing my fingers that it holds up to the others. Moar Toothless! (god the old hug emoji was so much better)
Watched Coco - I’m not really a fan of Pixar animation, but this was a good little film that entertained me through it’s duration. Heartwarming story and some good songs…and…
Bomb City - Not as good as Alpha Dog, but same sort of premise (although this is based upon a true story) - the outsiders vs the popular kids. You know what’s going to happen as the whole film is basically a build to the final event…although perhaps the story is a little one sided as it’s told from the point of view of the “punks”, and I had a hard time believing that in reality they’d be as mild natured as they were. Pretty decent but not amazing…and…
Braven - Jason Momoa vehicle. Again, ok. Rugged type guy ends up taking his father to his cabin up in the mountains where some baddies have temporarily stashed some drugs after an road accident. Queue shooting and violence as the two sides meets. A bit straight to DVD-esque, but again ok…and…
Blade Runner 2049 - Not as good as Blade Runner.
This is why we married. Refined taste.
2049 wasn’t as good as the first movie but I still thought it was about as good as it could’ve been, I really liked it.
Let’s see…
I just finished up the latest “Alien” trilogy that came out a couple years ago: “Out of the Shadows”, “Sea of Sorrows”, and “River of Pain”. My take on them is unless you’re an absolute fanatic for the Alien universe, skip them. Even if you are a fan, you might think about skipping them. “Out of the Shadows” takes place between Alien and Aliens, and sets up the existence of another cache of xenomorph eggs and an ancient alien civilization on a completely different location. “River of Pain” is a retelling of the stuff that went down right before the events of Aliens, from the point of view of the colonists, so it’s sort of a throw-away because you halfway know what’s going to go down. The most interesting of the three is “Sea of Sorrows”, which ties in to “Out of the Shadows” three hundred or so years later and involves a guy who has Ripley as an ancestor.
Following those, I’ve started in on “The Whirlwind in the Thorn Tree”, It follows a guy whose dad was a fantasy novelist, who recently passed away, and in going through his dad’s things he finds out that maybe the fantasy stuff in his dad’s novels wasn’t so much of a fantasy after all.
Just burned through Jessica Jones on Netflix. Was good, but definitely dragged in places. Also watched Thor: Ragnarok again. Was a great buddy comedy romp.
Podcasts, mostly. I hate most of the pop radio stuff that gets cranked out these days, so I generally listen to shows that interest me. They run all over the place in topic, from RPG Actual-Play shows, video game discussion, arcade and pinball collecting and repair, and discussions of authors and their books.
Over the past year or so I’ve been steadily working my way through all the available Aliens and Predator books that are available (I think the most recent Aliens Omnibus takes us to book 11 so far, with a few more to go, and then there’s the spin off Aliens books you mention, and then the Rage Wars trilogy which has a Predator crossover element, and of course there’s now one Predator Omnibus which has three books).
Of the three you mention I was fortunate enough to catch the free Audible offer - Out of the Shadows was given away free, and instead of as a standard narration, it was a full cast with sound effects. So I listened to that one and read the other two. I’d rate them in the order of release, perhaps feeling that the first was the best because it didn’t disrupt the canon and the audio was so good. The third book was terrible…I can’t think of anything really redeeming about it, and it didn’t really work with what we know folllows. As far as River of Pain goes, whilst the title was clever, I didn’t feel any of the characters were particularly compelling and the story was a bit weak for me…it stretched the mythology in a way that didn’t really grab me.
That being said, I’d recommend that you grab yourself the 5 Aliens Omnibus’ and give them a go. Not all the books are great, but a few of them are really good (Aliens Berserker being a prime example of a good use of the franchise). I audiobooked the Rage Wars trilogy…they were OK, although nothing particularly amazing…although again that’s perhaps because I didn’t much like the narrator.
What podcasts do you listen to?
I would also like to know! I’m a big fan of:
Unseeable forces control human behavior and shape our ideas, beliefs, and assumptions. Invisibilia—Latin for invisible things—fuses narrative storytelling with science that will make you see your own life differently.
King Falls AM centers on a lonely little mountain town’s late-night AM talk radio show and its paranormal, peculiar happenings and inhabitants.
Lore is an award-winning, critically-acclaimed podcast about true life scary stories. Lore exposes the darker side of history, exploring the creatures, people, and places of our wildest nightmares.
Because sometimes the truth is more frightening than fiction.
Serial is a podcast from the creators of This American Life, hosted by Sarah Koenig. Serial tells one story—a true story—over the course of a season. Each season, we follow a plot and characters wherever they take us. We won’t know what happens at the end until we get there, not long before you get there with us.
Song Exploder is a podcast where musicians take apart their songs, and piece by piece, tell the story of how they were made. Each episode is produced and edited by host and creator Hrishikesh Hirway in Los Angeles. Using the isolated, individual tracks from a recording, Hrishikesh asks artists to delve into the specific decisions that went into creating their work.
The Heart is an audio art project about intimacy and humanity. Founded in Kaitlin Prest’s bedroom in 2014, The Heart is comprised of a community of badass writers, radio makers and artists who make personal documentary work about their bodies and their loves. In 2017, The Heart was named a Peabody Award Finalist.
I also have a few others I listen to but I think this is enough… hahahaha
(gosh I love podcasts)
Funny enough, I actually have the original seven books in the Alien series (Earth Hive, Nightmare Asylum, The Female War, Genocide, Alien Harvest, Rogue, and Labyrinth) from back when they were originally published in their original mass-market paperback format, sitting in storage. They were definitely fun reads back then, but I lost touch with the series after Labyrinth. I’ve been thinking about picking them up in e-book format, as I’ve been pondering a re-read but don’t really want to be bothered to go dig through the storage tubs to find them.
As far as podcasts go, right now I have the following in regular rotation:
Podcasts are dope! I listen to a few every week.
Super Best Friendcast
The Official Podcast
SleepyCabin (I’m so glad it’s finally back!)
and ocasionally the H3 Podcast
If anyone can recommend something similar I’d be happy to try it on my daily buss ride.
I just finish watching the TV-show Dark that is on Netflix. If you are bored with the ‘Hollywood style’ and like mysteries and time travel, then this is definitely something for you!