Vacation and Some Sad News

I am going to be going to Nova Scotia for 3 weeks starting Wed. We are going whale watching, seeing family and sightseeing. We are also going to see where the animal rehab place called “Hope for Wildlife” is filmed for TV. I am taking the laptop so I might be here every day for a few minutes but probably not. @PeteMcc will be here. So if there are any problems, message/contact him.

As most of you know last Sept. my husband started treatments for cancer and he finished in Dec. and then he had surgery in Jan. of this year where they removed a part of his lung. It was just one lymph node. He was declared cancer free.

Well he had a CT scan in June and they found it was back. This time it is in both lungs and has spread to his liver. It is inoperable. They can’t remove any more of the lung. The doctor said WITH treatments he can delay the end for 2 years…maybe.

So I NEED this trip to make some lasting memories and good times before he gets really sick and not able to do anything. Right now I am focusing only on the trip…Will deal with the other things when we get back and he starts his treatments.

I am going to thank everyone for all their good wishes and condolences NOW as I won’t have the time to thank everyone individually. I will talk more when we get back.

Love ya and huggles to all…


That is heavy news to bear. I hope you two can manage to set it aside for the time being and just focus on having a lovely trip and spending it enjoying the time you have together.

I sincerely wish the best for you both.


Have a great time together! Everything else just doesn’t matter.


I’m sorry to hear about it, and I hope your last moments together be peaceful and full of good memories. :sparkling_heart:

Also, take all the time you want. We’ll be here if you need someone to talk with.


so sorry to hear this

God cure him regardless of what the docs say. In any case, I hope you both have a great time.


Weighty news indeed. I hope you’re both able to enjoy the vacation. I would not do well with such knowledge myself, though we must remember the rates and timelines are speculative - based on statistical information that is true for a population but like all such things, less reliable at the level of the individual. I think you had a very good idea to fit in a vacation.


my condolences for you and i sent a virtual hug im sorry much really :C


Good luck!
Hopefully you’ll have a good time while it lasts.


The trip sounds lovely. Bless you both for fighting so hard. Enjoy the vacay to the fullest :two_hearts:


I’m so sorry.

I hope you have a lovely time away together


Sorry to hear, Hope both of y’all have a great time and enjoy the trip.


All the times my family and friends died were always sudden. I would get a call and was always too late. I hope you both get everything you need out of the time you have left. :people_hugging:


I hope you both have a wonderful time on the trip! Definitely just focus on the trip and put everything else down for now.



I’m so sorry. I hope you both have a great trip and make some lasting memories. :heart:


I am so very sorry. The vacation is a lovely idea. May it be as wonderful and special as you both deserve. :pray:


I’m deeply sorry. It’s good to know you are taking these special times together now. :people_hugging: :people_hugging:


I’m so sorry to hear that. Cancer sucks so much.
Hope you two are having a blast right now. And also that your husband gets to flip the odds on their head and confuse the hell out of doctors by living WAY past their projections :people_hugging: :sparkling_heart:


I am Back. Still processing and dealing with it. Not into talking much right now.

Thanks for the comments and being YOU! :revolving_hearts:


This is why I have been so quiet. Got this news from the Doctor about a month ago.

He has a blood clot in right upper lung. His lymph nodes have grown significantly larger and so have his masses.

There are inside patterns of the lung that could be infection vs. Lymphatic carsonomic which is a significant progression of his cancer.
Recommending one week of antibiotics and if the symptoms are not worse he will get his treatment next week.

The echocardiogram showed fluids around the heart which is caused by the cancer. Also fluid in the lungs.

The hope is he will respond to the treatments but might not be possible. If not, 6 months.


Sorry to hear this. God cure him and grant you both the patience required to endure all of this and make it easier on you both.