Thoughts on The Division?

I’m a pretty low-key dude when it comes to AAA games, if I find the gameplay compelling and get my money’s worth in fun game time i’m happy. I put about 20 hours in the beta so i’m probably going to buy it because I know it’s a game i’ll personally enjoy, but I wonder what other views people have on it. Overall i’ve seen fairly mixed reception, with a lot of people saying mid-end game and Dark Zone is fun but the beginning is boring.

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I don´t like it… I am not saying it is a bad game, but the actual shooting is very boring. I want more looter shooter on pc, but division is just so boring. Stats are just the usual thing, stat increase xyz nothing intresting. The special things on some weapons are slightly more intresting, but still not enough. They should have done a sci-fi game with more intresting weapons and abilities.

The “realism in the scenario” is just holding the game back and everything else apart from the scenario is not realistic anyway. I just don´t undestand why they did it like this, it seems so stupid to me.

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That’s why I think Destiny and Borderlands were smart with their setting, Getting hundreds of different guns and having enemies be bullet sponges can be more believable in that setting.

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Yep. The only thing Borderlands needed for me was multiple abilities on a single character. Oh and add Warframe to that list.

About Destiny, i have no idea how bad it really is. People are really mad about some dlc, lack of content in general and unbalanced stuff all the time. I never looked anything up about destiny. All i know about it is the things people complain about. Also its not on pc, because bungie hates us :cry: I kind of want to try it so that i can start complaining too :smiley:

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As i’ve said before i’m low-key, so I liked it. For a console game Destiny had a lot of stuff not really seen but it was severely, severely limited in scope compared to what people originally thought, The entire playable areas really weren’t that much and end game raids got repetitive super early. The DLC fixed a lot of the issues and with full DLC destiny is good. I mean, The shooting felt great and chars felt powerful so it wasn’t really a gameplay feel issue. PvP wasn’t bad either. Overall it was a solid shooter with some light RPG elements but it wasn’t the revolutionary masterpiece people originally thought. Still, it made BANK, so hopefully bungie learns from their first game and makes the sequal better in every way.

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I just Redbox’d it as my friends haven’t stopped talking about it since the Beta. So far it’s fine. I could see it being really fun with friends. But I definitely wouldn’t pay $60 for it. It’s funny because everyone has complained about how much damage enemies take. Honestly, that hasn’t bothered me. Just makes me feel that I’m playing a video game. Haven’t really gotten immersed yet, but maybe that will come after some story missions.

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I like it. I have about 28 hrs of playtime on it according to Uplay. It took me 17 hours to reach the level cap and leveling in the Dark Zone is pretty fast if you have a good group. I feel like I ran out of stuff to do though because I played it so much. I liked Destiny, but the amount of money it cost for the DLC and the amount of content you got for the price of that DLC was a joke. I only sign into Destiny when they have a special event, other than that I never play it anymore. Doing the same raid every week and having horrible drop rates really pushed me away.

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They are hit with a wave of refund requests recently, due to hackers/cheaters going wild. Some counter-measures were taken, but I guess majority of folks already had their share of fun with the game.

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