They're coming! (Tencent fearmongering topic 😂)

though i laugh about it, it is rly worrisome


Oh great…they have Digital Extreme now. Epic wouldn’t be so bad if they weren’t selling information to Chinese businesses and whatnot.

also great topic name :rofl:


wait, i thought MS owned that? :thinking:
ooohh my bad, i thought they scooped up “everything” as in gears ip included :sweat_smile:
and i thought Warframe devs was acquired by tencent long ago too @_@
oh well, surely nothing bad can come of this, it’s just video games companies after all :no_mouth:


Well makes sense that they would grab Warframe with how popular it is. I’m more shocked it took them so long to do it. Tencent owns 80% of Path of Exile with the other 20% to be sold off in 5 years from the original acquisition date.


makes you wonder why Tencent don’t just “buy everything” and get it over with :joy:


Well fuck that’s really bad news, I love Klei.

“As part of this agreement, Klei retains full autonomy of creative and operations across all aspects of the studio, including projects, talent, and more.”

Yeah that’s what everyone says every time but we all know that’s absolutely meaningless and no matter what your deal was once someone else has majority control they can alter the deal. Blizzard is going to be entirely autonomous and make all their own decisions, no need for anyone to worry about Activision’s acquisition. Now long dead studio is going to be entirely free to operate as they see fit after their EA purchase and everything will be just great!

I have also first hand seen companies heavily impacted by Chinese feelings on their autonomy and creative freedom already. This is no tinfoil hattery, it happens. Some times overtly with big online harassment campaigns some times covertly by the company suddenly feeling like their art assets really need an update where they remove all religious symbology, blood splatter, any reference to ghosts or spirits and covering up any cleavage or thighs previously shown. Yeah, no they just didn’t LIKE their old art anymore, sure!

Oh and don’t you even dare put a tiny little easter egg in your game that likens Chairman Mao to Winnie the poo because it apparently wont matter that you’re in no way affiliated with China or any Chinese companies. They’ll bury you alive and even years later GOG will for some reason “listen” to all us “gamers” who apparently really don’t want them to sell that one particular game, ever.

Yeah no… fuck this.

RIP Klei.


yup, that one is, regardless of Tencent specific “issues”, always the main cause for concern if/where a “beloved” XYZ game/dev gets swallowed up, no matter the good intentioned reasonings (i get it, financial instability is not fun in the dev business) - and the past track record/examples are just too vast to be potentially cheerful about something applying “the exception to the rule”.
You don’t become part of an “acquisition” out of the good will and nature of a capitalistic monolith; in the end they will always want a return on investment, and will put the screws to it to see to that it happens


Tencent has changed their Riot games TOS to grant themselves the rights to record and keep user’s voice chat in all Riot games. Under the guise of fighting toxic behavior they will supposedly save recordings if a report is made, however of course everything will have to be perpetually recorded in order for anyone to be able to find something after a report has been made. A point this video didn’t go into, but he’s providing many other details.

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I’ve never played LoL and I don’t know it’s community, but - it being an online game - I’m guessing that the most the Chinese will be able to gather from those recordings, is the multitude of ways in which the players had sexual relations with their mothers.

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Seems like par for the course to me. Of course the government funded game company will do this.

Recording everything but saying they will only listen to some of it. Shipping all the data to Chinese servers so nobody can delete it.

It’s nothing to worry about while under their radar. But once you’re targeted, they search their backlog of everything related to you. It’s normally to keep overseas Chinese in check. But I suppose that it can also be used to blackmail other people if they say something bad while playing Valorant.

I would be much more concerned if they were still recording even while the game is not running. :speak_no_evil:

I only played a little LoL then quit and never played Valorant. So I’m not really involved with Tencent.



I wonder if you will get banned for pro Hong Kong usernames and chats.


Or Taiwan for that matter.

Past few months China has been fcking up our business and stuff because my country ‘dared’ to call Taiwan by it’s actual name lol.


Sad news. I liked Klei. Now I don’t. Or rather, I won’t if they agreed to an all Epic Games deal. Then I’ll dislike them.


My god this is becoming very worrisome tbh. One day the CCP will just get its hand on everything. And i don’t want that to happen at all…

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