Do not crush my dreams.
Damn! Who called the cops? Someone should have done.
that is just so terrible…
If I’m not mistaken the mobile app is still free(?). That’s what I’ve been doing so far at least hehe
or just go to aggregate news sites like Yahoo news or other news sites that has them.
After microwaving tomato sauce I can say with certainty that exploding it does nothing beneficial.
A little happy.
I participate in surveys, and all of the ones Intel sends me. They rewarded me with a choice between 10 games. I had Total War: Three Kingdoms and wasn’t interested in some of them, but they did have Subnautica…so I snatched that up. Now…if only I could get over my motion sickess! lol
The FF remasters largely look like garbage. I’m so disappointed and crushed right now. What’s worse, specifically for FF6, they actually used older art that was the original unused FF6 art (FF DOT book). It isn’t even new art, at all, it’s a recycle and it’s no remaster. FF3 is the only one that has had a significant change, and looks good.
Now my Terra boo got duck feet and strange looking boobies, and ultra flat color tones.
You know I told you so, every time we’ve talked about the idea of a remaster of the old Final fantasies I’ve cautioned against it because they are never going to do what you wish for them to do. Final Fantasy 6 in particular is already a perfect game, there are no improvements to make and as we now know for certain they’re not going to go to the effort of even matching the excellence they first put into the game. They just don’t have the talent base for that type of game and style anymore.
Nintendo being the weird kid again
I’m a dreamer when it comes to FF6. Life keeps telling me “Shut up, dreams are for losers”.
Aw there were puppers! Other dogetails. ^^
And a squirrel. Purr.