I see you know your stuff, good luck in your endeavours
precious XD
this weekend has sucked and put me in a strangely foul mood, to the point of unexpectedly actually looking forward to Monday
squishy hugs for gnome pets gently
Hope things cheer up for you soon! Sorry for a lousy weekend.
Say bad words, they make me want to like people. Sometimes I just don’t.
Looks pretty good!
The only Ace of Spades i approve of .
I can’t use my bank card because I get charged for international transactions haha that would just be very expensive
I even got charged on those sites that do those 0 dollar transactions so it’s not worth ever using it
Yeah I live in the uk so I was confused why that happened we never used the euro here and yea they showed the price in dollars. I guess uk is euro enough for them lol but they coulda showed the price in euros first xP
2, 3, 3, 2, 4
I’m sorry, it is mathematically impossible to roll that combination of dice.
85, 99