The (not at all) arbitrary and meaningless: Steam Awards!

I was talking about the generation really, its the ps2 era. sorry, It’s a personal lexicon I use.


I’ve done it, why not I was only using that for “game I’ll never be good enough at”

tbh i dont remember the category description last year (awards page only does award name now it seems)
but what i do remember, which is so perfectly depicted on the old award page, is the utter bs that happens when you let some users vote “any” game they like
GTA v, dark souls and another was if i remember correct, (if not in every category), almost in every category, which pissed me off immensely
not just because of “missing” the point of each category, but just by voting such pos in “everything” -because “popular”/fanboism, disregarding category and “worthy” entirely

and i honestly imagine this year to be the same
bs “aaa” getting multi category nomination galore, and likely multi awards too, -from people with total blinders on

but, suppose it’s a good thing the awards don’t matter at all then, -and that i clearly don’t care :smirk: :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


(only “muh games” count!)

…probably wouldn’t hurt if could have actually remembered which games to properly nominate some places this year too tho… :man_facepalming:

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I only place random stuff in every category.
Reason: I don’t care about awards but still want the free badge. :ok_hand:t3:


^the best reason i’ve seen for participating in any “actions”/events on steam :blush:

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just found out can put DLC in nominations too instead of game, -so another spot for Grim Dawn, yay! :grin:
(Emperor Palpatine voice):“yes, -yes!, The fanboi is strong in this one!”