For me it would have to be a hellhound. I assume they would be very loving and extremely loyal to me as their owner, but a complete nightmare to anyone that they’d have to protect me from.
Wow, that was a question that really threw me for a loop there. There are a lot of implications about having a pet or being a friend with someone out of this world. And it sort of does not feel fair to kinda… force friendship onto someone who may not even like me . Being able to have some sentient creature as a pet was weird as well
But discarding all this serious / ethical stuff here are some ideas I entertained:
Personal demon from ‘His dark materials’ books - seems like it would help me to understand myself better + it’s a friend that you can always rely on, no matter what. On the other hand I have no idea what form it would take and since rules state that we have to be always together it may prove super inconvenient.
Ghostwheel from the chronicles of Amber - it’s a bit on the overpowered side since it can get anything + provide instant transportation but this seems like quite one-sided relationship and thus it does not feel right
So, after careful consideration I decided that I chose a talking bird from the ‘Mystery of the third planet’ (that’s an old soviet book / animation). It’s a low maintenance pet that can take care of itself and it’s still pretty cool. For those interested here are links to the animation with subtitles or fully dubbed. Though dubbed version is pretty different in tone and I have no idea if it’s any good.
I think Sning from the Incarnations of Immortality novel series would be an excellent companion. Couldn’t find an actual picture, but it’s a snake ring, so not too hard to imagine.
As for the games:
The Surge 2
Paradise Killer
Super 3-D Noah’s Ark
Until I Have You
Golf With Your Friends
The Last Door - Collector’s Edition
Thanks for the opportunity and the interesting question. And thanks to everyone else as well for their great answers!
If I were to gain access to a mythological creature I think something of utility would be the way to go. I’d look for something like Särimnir, the pig that would be slaughtered, eaten and resurrected each day to feed everyone in Valhalla. Free pork chops forever!
I won Encodya (on GOG), and the key worked fine. Many thanks to @hivefleetbothan, and thank you @delenn13 very much for your time in administering the giveaway!
I win^^ Once again, thank you - to all the benefactors, and especially to @persistnt - for the thickest, most pronounced and luscious pixels seen since the '70s <3