The day my keyboard died.

I’ve tried out three different keyboard now, all three straight types with the correct button configuration. All three came with linear switches however and I’m not sure I like that. While the primary letter buttons largely felt alright on all boards the surrounding buttons felt spongy and unresponsive, holding shift down was met with a sense of uncertainty of whether it was engaged or not.

But my primary issue is as expected that they’re just so short. The distance between the hands when used is very small and I feel like I’m sitting like a squirrel while trying to type. The split design might not give you full shoulder width but those ~5cm makes a rather big difference not even counting the angled approach. I just might have to go look into the specialty options in the end.


So, you were not comfortable, but still looked adorable then. :thinking: Good luck with finding a keyboard though. I would have really loved one like yours too.