The Chronie Book Club

Yea, I am thinking the same… :thinking:


Speaking of books, my Texas friend sent me some books lately, all old but good condition. All collections and more than 20 different authors.

Shortestvread ewill be Torn Air by David Hutchinson, mostly short stories. Disappeared my local library so now I hast it home. ^^ The last story was the creepiest to me: Encroachments. Will read it again today and see if it is still scary.

Anyone ever heard of One Side Laughing by Damon Knight? Some stories are like that song you just can’t quite remember.


I’ll be interested to hear what anyone thinks of it but I don’t know that I’m that enthused. Personally I felt like the MurderBot books ran most of their natural course in the first 4 novellas. MB was still figuring itself out and how it was going to exist balanced on the knife’s edge between freedom and enslavement, the humans MB cared about had to come to grips with realizations such as SecUnits having a face, preferences, etc., and most of the important societal analogies were explored. Some of the sequels were still enjoyable for me: ART added a new relational dimension to explore so I thought that was quite worthwhile.

But by the time we got to Fugitive Telemetry I felt like the important relationships had already been explored, the relational tensions were no longer personal (just sort of general, “here’s how people you don’t care about personally feel prejudiced against MB”), and the plot twist devolved into the author going, “Haha, gotcha, bet you didn’t expect me to do that, suckas!”

Just thinking about All Systems Red is making me want to read the early stuff again, though =)