Steam Scammers - a friendly reminder that they're still out to get you

Just got this lovely chat message: from Steam Community :: Rodel
Claims that they “accidentally” reported me for “illegal purchases” and that I’m gonna be banned and deleted in an hour :laughing: unless I contact this totally super-duper legit steam support person Steam Community :: MID GOD

On one hand, it’s kind of flattering - after being on the platform for years, I’m finally worth scamming :face_with_monocle::tophat:
On the other hand - they’re not even trying! This exact message has been copy-pasted by scammers for years now, I think. Lazy, boring, scammers! Go back to your room and write something new!

Anyway, I just never got these scam messages before and wanted to share a laugh. Stay safe out there and watch out for these lowlifes.


I had heard about these before but never seen the actual message they send. “The account will be banned and deleted in an hour or so” yeah that sounds very official and reasonable.


Now i’m feeling left out … :frowning:


You aren’t their target audience. Their target audience are people that are gullible or tech illiterate enough they’ll respond to even the crappiest messages. Essentially they want to make it so that people that will most likely know it’s a scam won’t waste the scammers time.


Just a note, we had the same thing happen recently to people via dms on discord with the only common discord be the Nexus one. Same sort of message and once reported they were banned from the nexus discord, I know most here are savvy enough to know this is a scam but its always nice to just be aware and reminded.


the discord scam approach i get, but how the heck do these people manage to message people directly on steam :thinking:
did i miss an update where it’s possible from rando scammers to message non-friends directly now?
or is this just a case of “hijacked friend account muling scam messages”?

also, hopefully obvious note; remember to report scamming accounts to Valve :+1:


No, that was a not a friend account. But you can still get messages from strangers, Steam will alert you about that and offer to allow communications or ignore. I allowed it just in case it’s someone I know from somewhere else.

Yep, did that as soon as I recognized the text.

Yeah, I know, just trying to make joke :upside_down_face:

They probably see your name and realize it would be silly to try to scam you, so they don’t :wink:


how? how does that work, and when was it added/possible? i’ve never seen this, and when i “click” someone i don’t have any option to message them either (unless friendlisted ofc) :thinking:

seems like it might have been what potentially caused the scam floodgates to open then :face_with_raised_eyebrow: gg wp Volvo :pensive:


I think I’ll change my Steam name to “I Can’t Be Scammed” :nerd_face:

Thanks for taking the time to create this thread to remind us this scam is still going on. :eyes:


I wondered about that too. I googled and found they need to be in the same Steam Group as you::


I just found that article too! Was typing the answer as your message popped up :grin:

Though I don’t seem to be in any group with this Rodel, so either there’s another way or they’ve been kicked off because of scam messages already.


So even if you set to receive messages and comments from “Friends Only” you can get spammed like this. Interesting, and I hope Valve can “fix” it someday.

But thankfully I haven’t received any messages like that so far.


Thanks for the heads up, I went ahead and blocked the two of them, saves me a potential hassle down the line.


Well, I was hoping you already added that Kael to show us what is the “protocol” for this kind of issue, I wanna see that “finest” rhetoric

Also a lvl 0 account, pretty convenient for a steam support user


aside from the most obvious part, being that no real steam support staff will handle things in such way (via chat or discord), it’s also easily possible to confirm since Valve employees will have the unique image badge, and or be part of the official Valve or Steam moderator group - which is by official invite only/for legit internal members only
but most importantly, they will never handle matters outside the internal steam “ticket” system


Yay, come and have my FIFTY SIX DAMN CENTS. LAWL


Thanks for the reminder, @Strifeborne :heavy_heart_exclamation: :heavy_heart_exclamation: :heavy_heart_exclamation:


I got one similar to this today through discord. It wasn’t this exact message though. But they linked the steam account thingy and that.
They sounded so apologetic lool
I thought it was dodgy and probably a scam but I asked questions just to confirm (plus if is a scammer at least I am wasting their time).
At the same time as reporting it to a discord admin so they could warn others and kick them from a group. They even tried to call me lol I didn’t pick up though.


Be careful guys.

They are now spamming profiles in order to phish for your information. I’ve been having this happen a lot lately, people posting questions or something and then deleting their responses after you have answered them–and then acting as if they have no idea what is happening or who you are or that you started the conversation.

If that happens, be wary!