Steam Reviews

Hey @RaccoonV, @Ravenousld3341, @Tencore and @Pylinaer can you throw some light on this game for @sewcraftyme please?

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The Factorio developers said they have no intentions of partaking in any sales, because they believe the game is cheaply enough priced.

As for if the game is worth playing? You can turn off enemy attacks is you want, the core gameplay consists of optimization and redoing what you have already laid down because of new technologies etc.

I didn’t play it for too long, but would like to go back at some point.


There is no difference between the single and multiplayer, you do the same thing only in MP there’s other people around to mess up your stuff.

Worth the price depends on if you’re looking for what they’re selling, it’s a very particular game offering a very specific experience and it is one if not the best game that does it’s thing. So certainly worth it if you want to play Factorio, question is; do you?

My advice is find one of it’s dedicated youtubers and pick a video that is somewhere far into the game. Watch 10 minutes of it and if you’re struck by a great need to figure out what they’re doing and why, you might want to play the game. If it just looks boring and confusing then it might not be your thing.


I just finished the tutorial after 16.4 Hours. Mind you a portion of that was me restarting a section of the tutorial because I messed up and got myself, my car, and/or the nearby iron mine killed (and I forgot about autosaves). No permadeath for your character though.

The game is very much creating an efficient factory and the resource management that goes into it.

As fragile said, you can turn the local biters off, but if you play the tutorial i think they are on. When they are on you get rid of them by killing their spawners.

Provided you are interested in the game’s core gameplay loop, you will definitely get your money’s worth. You just might have to set session timers. Definitely one of those “just one more thing” games.

Here's some screenshots from the last section of the tutorial


I am slowly activating my keys for all those bundles I got. I got Satisfactory and it reminded me of Factorio. In fact the second review from the top compares the two. His nick is gussmed.

It’s been on sale too. So just add it to your WL. LOL Like I do.


Thank You.

I saw their post re: not partaking in any sales. I can’t recall seeing another developer post anything like that.

Re: Turning off enemy attacks - this is something I would probably do the first time through or just until I learned the very basics of the game. There is nothing I love more in a game than city building with enemy attacks.

My absolute favorite game of all time was the Command & Conquer series. Especially the Tiberian series. I have the discs and still play them after all these years.

Thanks once again.

Ila in Maine


I just downloaded the demo and I am definitely looking forward to trying it out.

Thanks for the screen shots. I’m glad to hear there is no permadeath.

The only thing holding me back is the price as I am disabled and my income is low. Of course that’s why I asked for opinions as I wanted to be able to get a game that will keep me playing for a good amount of time.

I’ll have to save for a few months to be able to afford it. Now that I know it is something that is worth the asking price I’ll do that.

I appreciate the time and the depth of your answer very much.

Ila in Maine


Looks interesting enough for me! :+1:

Thanks for the recommendation. :grin:
I added it to my wishlist.


Here’s a review from a game I recently beat. Wasn’t super impressed.


Nice review! Good thoughts put together, very informative and certainly seems like it doesn’t live up to expectation from perhaps the highlight reels and the store page. I remember wanting to play this from before it released and then I just never got around to it. Guess maybe it was for the best.