Favorite sweet…savory…sour…or spicy snack while gaming?
Snap a pic of you enjoying it, share in this thread! Let us know what category(s) of snack it belongs in so others have an idea of what to expect.
P.S. or if you’re shy, snap a picture of the snack so we know what to buy so we can try it.
Chips are our true saviours.
(Salt and vinegar especially)
Although I really enjoy suckers and lollipops.
I had a candy cane from Christmas time when I played Life is Strange. And 2 years later I did the same thing with Captain Spirit so whenever I see those games I immediately crave candy canes
For those who are not familiar and have never had them
They are Kumquats. (I didn’t make up the name.)
You rinse off the rind and eat the orange rind, it has a mildly tangy and quite sweet citrus flavor. The flesh of the fruit is edible too, but very sour.
It’s one of my favorite fruits… I just am over the moon today finding them for sale.
yr picture doesnt display for me, ook al weet ik wel wat frikandellen zijn, and when i click on it it actually tells me i don’t have permission to access that document, rofl