Should Likes Give Us Coins?

  • Yes
  • No
  • Maybe
  • I Don’t Care

0 voters


Why should they? This would just be begging to be abused


No. This is how you divide a community by forcing cirlejerks and local “celebs” who get all of the likes for no reason. Why else you think forums with rewards (karma etc) always end up being really shite


Where is the option to vote for Mark of the Ninja?

Oops, wrong poll…

If likes = actual coins, I wouldn’t mind being @PeteMcc right about now. Have you seen this:


my fake OCD is kicking in again (just need one more like), its funny that people still keep liking that post


i haven’t liked it yet, on sheer principle i refuse to follow the masses :triumph: #NoSheeple#StronkPrincipals
(or mistakenly i clicked twice so it removed the like again)


Still on there for me, thanks @Gnuffi, fake OCD crisis overted :grin:


Also in terms of likes I am in no way the leader when i comes to the amount received, for instance if you look at @Gnuffi’s profile you will see he has received about twice the amount of likes I have so he would definitely make more of a profit than me

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i “fixed” it by liking the post again :smile_cat: (i’m quite certain i already liked it then all back when, even tho coin was grey when i followed @DanosaurJr’s link)


If likes were coins, @Gnuffi would certainly be like

But doesn’t it state somewhere in the community guidelines that it’s mandatory to “like” @PeteMcc’s post regarding the like button being changed to a Chrono coin?


100% correct @DanosaurJr, to anyone reading this if you haven’t done it already please go and do so immediately or you will be flagged for breach of community guidelines by me personally.


Done, Sir!

My excuse for being late: Camping!


Honestly, I thought it was costing me coins to like stuff. I didn’t actually verify by checking my numbers, liking, and then checking numbers again. If I was giving coins to people, it would make sense that you get coins for likes. I mean, I spend a coin and you get it, right?


  • Mark of the Ninja
  • Mark of the Ninja
  • Mark of the Ninja

0 voters

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I really can’t decide! Too. Much. Pressure.


Throw a dart, that is what I did.

I’ve cancelled all my plans for tomorrow, I’m waiting on a new monitor from Amazon.

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If people were to do that, then what’s stopping them from making multiple accounts under fake emails, and then liking a certain post over and over, farming the system ad nauseam? Seems a little broken if you ask me.

Would still need coins to do that, right?

At first I tend to think Likes Give Us Coins is a good way to encourge members make more quality posts. But then I realize there are so many negative effects + system abusing go with it. We will also lost the fun when Like button becomes something…material. So it’s a No for me.

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@PeteMcc I don’t think I have liked your post. But if I have not, then I refuse to.