Wanted to do this on Sunday, had no time…
Forged Battalion:
- carvalho20ptc
- Seldom
@discobot roll 1d2
@ComNguoi both Yooka-Laylee and Sid Meier’s Civilization: Beyond Earth might be from your region; want to try any/both of them?
Wanted to do this on Sunday, had no time…
Forged Battalion:
@discobot roll 1d2
@ComNguoi both Yooka-Laylee and Sid Meier’s Civilization: Beyond Earth might be from your region; want to try any/both of them?
This one worked. Redeemed code !
Thank you !
Oh well.
Once again luck is not by my side.
Sure, drop me a message for Yooka-Laylee and i will tell you if they work or not. Also, thanks a lot because if the key works, it will make my day.
Got feedback from @ComNguoi:
Civ activated as 75579 Civilization: Beyond Earth – The Collection (ASIA) (nice! sucks to not be Asian:D)
Yooka-Laylee was still region locked, so now we know for sure it’s:
+ also available:
it’s one of those:
489193 Steam Sub 489193 (LA)
489191 Steam Sub 489191 (Asia)
489189 Steam Sub 489189 (RU/CIS)
I do enjoy WWE and sillyness, maybe I could give it a go for LA