Yah. The mittens I know too smol for such tech
Thanks again @carvalho20ptc
Make War holiday game. It just hit my brain weird reading it.
Thanks @carvalho20ptc Will try it out, myrr.
eyyy i game i almost bought but didnt… yayyyy
Throws more @carvalho20ptc ^^
Make War is cute, though must be easier with a The objectives a lil confusing though.
Hooray for more cats on the Internet. Purr.
mario kart but with kitties… i can dig it… jarring sound design tho y make drifting noise when going fast… its like they constantly have their foot on the breaks… or should i say paws???
Looks interesting enough. However I don’t like how the cats sounds like zombie cats, ha, ha!
Day 8:
@delenn13 @Danacscott @GDBringer @xxoonxx1 @dogetail
An interesting puzzle turn based game. IMO one of the best of the giveaway so far.
Day 9:
@delenn13 @Danacscott @xxoonxx1 @GDBringer @dogetail
Another fun looking game. However it’s a repeat, like Creepy Tales 2, Nova and the cat racing game.
only 2 more days…
comeee oonnn bby… will you snail
crosses fingers
I really hope our Oon gets the one he wants. Gotta say though: Will you snail looks really perilous
Aw. Maybe the will be on good sale price?
Thanks @carvalho20ptc Thought these two might be interesting as well. Destropolis was cute, just not my cup of
its ok i will get it on special one of these days…
cyjin looks amazing…
primal light looks fun…
both with positive reviews so its still a dub…
Cyjin is fun so far. Already decided gonna playthrough to the end. XD.
Primal Light is pretty simple. First enemies are spooky, scary skeletons. It’s somehow satisfying to see a or some
flying through the sir and settle on the ground, instead of simply disappearing.
Nonograms is a cool thinking sort of game. Only braved the tutorial so far. Least it’s nothing like Sudoku
Nova 111 is the other one to play for simple fun. The poor scientists must end up in each other’s laps though.
Think it’s been a pretty good GA. Hope you guys a few new gems too.
Big thanks to @carvalho20ptc for the heads up and daily reminders.
Ya this was fun… thanks for updates @carvalho20ptc
I’m still playing nanograms… Well up until I got stuck on this one
Forgot to close this thread.
Anyway, I hope you got all the games from this giveaway. Merry Christmas!