Print Screen borked in Windows 10??

I’ve wanted to take screenshots of various things I’ve done since getting the new PC going, but Print Screen is not working and the one combination of keys it gives me are not doing anything.

Must I install a third-party software like Greenshot to achieve what I seek?


your pressing a combination of buttons? you should just have to press the print screen button on your keyboard and it should work just fine.

And if you want to get fancy with it you can press Alt+Print Screen and you will take a screenshot of your active window only.

Alternatively you can use the inbuilt snip and sketch or snipping tool to grab screenshots


Windows key + Print screen works fine for me.


Quite possibly they have a laptop. Many laptops combine functions on some of those lesser-used keys. My work laptop’s print screen is FN+INSERT.


WinKey + Shift + S


Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A


I usually use Irfanview to take screenshots, and also to edit them after I use the Print Screen button.


I always use Snipping Tool, which comes with Windows 10 to grab whatever I need.

If you want to do Print Screen, you should be able to just press that button without any other keys, then go use paint and paste, should output the entire screen and you can save it that way.

If you hold down Windows button and press Print Screen, it will give you a automatically saved .png file under Pictures–>Screenshots, if I remember correctly.


Yup! best and easiest way to take perfect screen shots imo
Just WinKey + Shift + S, then drag your mouse on what u wanna have and then Ctrl + V on the place u wanna post/place. EZPZ


It’s a desktop, but the keyboard it came with has that weird layout.
There’s like, a lot of vertical space between the ↑ key and del/end/pgdn keys.

@M00 lolz If only the Konami Code worked on everything…OR IDDQD…

I’ll try Win+Shift+S…


I just generally use the screenshot program in Vivaldi or Greenshot if I need to edit.

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The suggested combination did squat.

I’ll figure it out at some point.


I have a weird keyboard.

It’s like how a laptop would be, though it has a numpad, but it has a [function] key, and it requires that to take screenshots.

Clarifying that my PC is not a laptop, the keyboard is a USB keyboard that has a [Function] key for nine extra functions, three of them are on the Insert [Print Screen], Home [Scroll Lock], and Page Up [Pause] keys.

Escape [Lock?]
F1 [Sleep]
F9 [Search]
F10 [Rewind]
F11 [Play/Pause]
F12 [Fast Forward]

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Laptops and their weird everchanging keyboards, mine has numpad and the prtscr key, the function key is used mostly for stuff like screen and volume settings. Which I kinda like the way it is, but in games I prefer to use the numpad 1235 or WASD instead of the arrow keys for movement, because the arrow keys are very small. Also I don’t have the RCtrl :rofl:

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