
I can win Universal Paperclips in under 33 minutes:



I don’t know if that’s true since you’ve invested 50+(?) hours to achieve the state where the 33 minute victory is possible by playing the game over and over and over, but congratulations on the endurance to achieve it.


Well, not 50+ hours. Maybe 30+ hours. Once I got over the first one, it got much faster. Getting under 1 hour was the tricky part, since there are ways to get by without completing everything, and figuring out which pieces weren’t needed at all was hard. The previous run was 1 hour 18 minutes, so that final run was very streamlined.


Lol, here you are proud of your universal paperclip achievement and then along comes good ol’ @Fraggles to shite all over it and bring you back down to reality.

Still, though, 33 mins is not to be sniffed at. Well done.

It is a fun game but it is no Mark of the Ninja.


I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to be a terrible person, really, it just comes naturally. But still I would maintain that the claim is at the very least flawed as it can not be done from a first play through. You wouldn’t say you beat any other game under a time just as long as you ignore spending days in the starting area to grind levels that makes the speedrun possible would you?

Still there’s achievement here and I fully recognise that. Now start a fresh run and utilise what you’ve learned and see how long that’ll take.


It was a good point, an important one. I just found it funny, when I read it. I’m easily pleased… sometimes