Need help formatting a post

So I plan on doing a giveaway soon for humble keys I’m never going to use and need help formatting the post so it looks nice. I’ve seen past giveaways and people format the post to show a cutout of the steam page to the game they are giving away. I would like to know if this could be done with a link or if HTML has to be used to format it. I have a basic knowledge of HTML so this wouldn’t be too much of a problem. Any other advice would be appreciated.


no need to format, just stick the link in and it does the rest.

the only thing to know is to take the end off of the link
for insance this link from steam is “
but you to make it work you need to get rid of the end and just use “” or else it will look like this

EDIT: well it looks like they fixed their previous issue so just go ham and post the link direct also just so you know posting links to pics and vids will also make them appear automatically

Thanks. Expect the giveaway in the next few days