My 188 day streak is broken!

I can swear that i entered yesterday, i did, becuase i set the alarm so that i can log in every day. How is that possible? I know that i took the coins yesterday…

Screencap the bit underneath that shows your click timings…

Show us your shoes!

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Note to self - actually look at screen when typing…

They’re largely pointless without actual hour of the click, date is not good enough as I’ve demonstrated here

There are also numerous other topics on this issue and no one has managed to demonstrate that there is an actual problem server side that breaks peoples streaks as of yet. So yeah, sorry that happened to you. I’m sure you’re sure you did nothing wrong, but unless you can provide some sort of evidence of a site side issue there’s nothing that can be done.

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Thanks, unfortunately i cant provide anything, i guess that my “365 days streak” goal wont be possible until next year…

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That’s right, stiff upper lip old chap. Up and at it!

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Yeah I just lost my streak as well. I didn’t even notice until I got to open my 3 day chest today. It shows all my clicks but still lost it

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Can I join the broken-streak club? My loss is nowhere near as impressive as yours, but I was two thirds between my 14 day and 30 day chests and I want to winge about it :stuck_out_tongue: