That’s not an emoji; that’s an actual person here…
Is nobody going to point out @anyamtikja has a beautiful pirate-y ad-on thingy going on on their Facebook?
“Split the booty” killed me. That’s glorious. I love it. I mean, I hate Facebook and want it to die in a never-ending pit fire of doom along with the Zucc, but that pirate language mod is just
Here’s my reaction for you:
I LOVE the “Split the Booty” thingy. That’s adorable!
So you are worried about “continuity of a topic” in THIS forum? These scallywags can derail a thread in 2 seconds flat. Don’t you ever worry about that. Threads are derailed or taken down a rabbit hole all the time here. We aren’t strict about it because sometimes going down the rabbit hole or going OT(off topic) can be fun!
Are you stalking people through nefarious channels?
@anyamtikja, you definitely belong here, take everything you see with a grain of salt… Well, here, it’s more like a bucket…
Yes she is…NTM she has been IGNORING all her fellow country people in the Steam Friends thread…
Oh, @anyamtikja are you in the Steam Friends thread? You NEED to be if you aren’t!!!
Facebook IS CANCER
I used to view status updates from an old friend I’ve lost touch with for seventeen years now, but all of a sudden he went and blocked me. I’ve never even sent him any friend invites as I’ve known beforehand that he’ll reject 'em. So I was just satisfied with just me being able to see any updates he’d post, which are mostly new profile picture and profile cover updates. And then just five days ago, I became unable to access his profile anymore because he outright blocked me
Seriously, Facebook let’s people bring out the worst in them. And it needs to be DESTROYED! Friendster and/or MySpace were better IMHO.
Social media is cancer, all of it. Web 2.0 was a mistake.
One OVERLY STUPID thing Social Media introduced to the internet is the removal of anonymity, a lot of today’s netizens don’t even realize that there is such a thing as the “Never give out your real Identity on teh internetz” rule" back in the day.
Hey OP, I’m not sure what you’re looking for, but if it isn’t drugs, you can have it.
Now, can we please nuke this thread from orbit or something? I feel like a goddamn dinosaur…
You do Belong here @anyamtikja, sorry if we didn’t make you feel that way, I think people were just little confused about it all. I can still starburst it if you want, just give me a double confirmation, but I think you are fine.
Don’t use starburst lightly on this forum. Things disappear when it is uttered.
why does my mouth water right now but not exactly have a starburst craving
This is my reaction to that sensation -
… have you seen half my posts?!? , that’s exactly what i do, just pops in and throws a single emoji (or a handful) and nothing more, 'cuz dats wut i feel like in that moment/think is my best reply to X post
please don’t eeeever feel like you should put yourself off or hold back like that, this place is more than inviting enough to allow you to do that, -always.
whenever you feel like it, even the odd/old necro here once in a while is super neat when it digs up and stirs up some fresh interactions
spam those emojis/“reply reacts” whatever way you can since the discourse format doesn’t support the easier way to do it, so i(/we) can definitely tolerate that
most definitely you do, ice cream proves that
We’re going to make it so that ‘Likes’ have to be individual emoji responses as well based on the greatness of this thread.
Good I was worried no one was going to talk about it.
On the subject of reactions, I want it on record my reaction is to take a Dodge action against whatever may be attacking me. If I am not being attacked my reaction is a 5ft step towards the nearest cover.