More games on the shop?

Is there going to be more games on the shop after the current ones get 100% claimed?


From what Ionin told us. Yes. Over time more games will be added. Don’t know if current stock has to be used up before new games come in, but the short answer is yes, more games coming eventually.


Not all games need to be sold out for us to add more, we’ll try and keep the store fresh with regular new games.


Do you know when the current games will be reset?

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When you say reset, do you mean restocked, or replaced by other games? If you meant restocked, then they don’t. They might make another appearance in the future if the publishers/developers give them more keys, but once they’re out, that’s basically it for the time being. Of course if lots of people keep asking for it, it would encourage demand for the game to come back either as a coin shop item, or as a deal depending on what was agreed upon by both and the publishers/developers the next time they secure more keys.