Minor Typo in verification email.

Overall the site looks nice and is very easy to use, I noticed a typo in the verification email I received however. - “Verify you account with”


Nice catch, totes my fault. I’ll stand in the corner for 30 minutes now as punishment.

Oh, and it’s fixed. :slightly_smiling:


That was fast, glad to see such a quick response! I haven’t actually bought the game yet, but as soon as I decide to actually get up and go grab my wallet, I will.

(Also, the way this reply window is set up is VERY nice, with the preview right there and easily able to scroll through the thread… Props to whoever came up with this design!)

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I’m typing this from the corner.

I’m glad you like the community, but we definitely can’t make any claim to it. The fine folks over at Discourse made this AND it’s open source, which is super cool. We just added some pretty colors. :gem: