Though Harambe’s demise was horrifically tragic and breaks my heart, this meme IS hilarious AF… just sayin’
Real life could be like this, but alas, we are mostly jerks.
Is that not how normal people pass?
That would explain the strange looks in the hallway I keep getting.
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higher-ups intervened i’m pretty sure cuz shitposting, rofl, i was just posting
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as a response to every post that had been removed by its author, been doing that for a while actually, but never several in a row, lol, so i guess it was deemed to obnoxious this time around, which is quite fair, lol
i learned recently that when a mod or higher-up removes yr post it appears as if it was flagged, even if it wasnt
lol, Corridor’s stuff is always insanely good, except for the FX of course (but they often make it work), but that’s just a matter of finances
Nah fam,i just deleted that meme because i didnt think it was funny enough,i am a good christian boi that wouldnt make the admins angry also
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when you can relate to a vending machine