Massive FREE expansion to EtG TODAY

seeing as though you’re prone to exaggeration, I’ll assume you have beat the first boss and I won’t lay down an assortment of git gud statements, including maybe a giant dad meme.

also quick restart is good function, glad its there for when I get hit in the first room, that’s the sign of a bad run ahead.


I actually think to clear the first floor with less than 1 hr of play would be super impressive… not something I expect from anyone at all… I had probably somewhere between 30-40 deaths before I managed to clear the first floor myself.


awh well, I only meant it in jest, I couldn’t say how many for me I bought the game so long ago, I remember my first one was the bullet king though.


I cleared the first floor on my 2nd or 3rd attempt, I only have under 2h in the game but I reached 3rd floor once or twice if I recall correctly. From what I remember I’ve beaten Bullet King, bullet twins, the snake and the bird… I vaguely recall some sort of tank like thing.


Wow, you are definitely much skilled than I am then… You made it to the third floor boss in a free tries…

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No that’s not at what I said. I don’t remember having reached 3rd floor boss at all. Just that I beat 1st floor boss fairly quickly and 2nd boss a couple of times over the span of my 2h. I spent a few runs trying to get into the obliette too, but usually died pretty quickly once inside. The tank thing I vaguely remember I never beat, just encountered.

What I meant to actually say though is that the game is not all that hard, or rather it’s not unique in what it does. If you’ve played any other top down or twin-stick shooter you know pretty well what you’re getting into. But sure if this is your first game of the kind then you’d clearly need more time to get to grabs with the controls and mechanics over someone who has prior experience.


the tank guy is on the third floor my man, you made it all the way through the third floor as well.

you are actually more skilled than you let yourself on to believe.

the wiki for it

Treadnaught - Official Enter the Gungeon Wiki

also how many bullet hell kinda games have this variety of weapons and enemies? I haven’t actually played any others that aren’t top down shooters or side shooters where you’re always in motion, I haven’t even played bullethell actually.

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Well, when you said you have under 2 hr in the game but you made it to Treadnaught, I do consider you to be way more skilled than I am. My conclusion for only a few runs was because under 2 hrs you can’t possibly have played too many runs, since my runs are about 45 minutes to 1 hr each for completing a run. I played quite a lot of bullethell games, but this one really did stump me more than most, in all of the quick action, but still be patient, in the decisions to make, etc. Took me a long time to get used to the mechanics of the game before I got pretty decent. And then I haven’t played in a while, and tried it a few times recently, but didn’t get as far as I normally would do.

The funny thing is right now I am not dying in boss rooms, just on regular floors… :exploding_head:. The bosses are all pattern based and it’s muscle memory, but I think the game updated a couple of times, before this last update, that some of the room spawns feel a little different. Maybe I am just rusty. a couple of times I dodged right into a spawning bomb because I thought it was something else popping up.

As for Treadnaught, that’s probably my worst enemy on third floor bosses, I almost never perfect that boss…

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Yeah I’m sorry I misread you. I thought you thought that I had gotten to the tank in three tries. I suppose what you meant by “a free tries” was that I’m still within the refund timer should I want to abuse that system.

As for run times. I think I must have gotten at least 10-15 runs in in that time. I usually die quickly if my head isn’t in the game but still I don’t think it takes many minutes to clear the first level.

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I will let my typo stand… that’s what I get for using Swype on my cell phone…

I am so sorry for the confusion!

That was meant as “a few tries.” Gosh, didn’t mean that at all! :frowning: ( will try to proofread my phone entries a bit more in the future. (My phone’s keyboard pushes the text box to be so small I only see a tiny line when I am typing on my phone.)

As for the length of runs, I don’t like speed… You can turn on the game clock and try to speedrun the game, but I really like to take my time, clear all of the rooms, complete each floor meticulously, get the two chests, look at the secret room, and then fight the boss. When I tried speedrunning the game, I could only get reasonably to level 3 before I start to struggle big time, unless I have a really fortuitous drop from the boss. I can clear the first two floors in about 10 minutes if all I did was find boss room, run through boss, and move on. So you are right, you can definitely get quite a few runs in that time.

(once again, I am sorry for the confusion… :blush: Definitely will try to be more careful in the future.)

Just to be clear to everyone who cared, I had a friend who lend me his GOG account to play Gungeon for about 6 months, during which I accumulated somewhere between 250-300 hours before I bought the game on Steam for myself. Add that to the 130 or so hours I have on Steam that’s recorded (plus about 200 hrs offline time on my laptop as well), I was living this game for a while… Even dreamed of boss fights… I really hadn’t been hooked on a game so much before, I think…

Now my favorite game is Spelunky, but my work schedule doesn’t allow for me to play as much as I did back then, plus all of the reviews I have been doing, just not playing too much in general. And Fraggles, I am going to dig into Mark of the Ninja soon, I promise.


clearing all the rooms should be the only way xD

anyway stay tuned for my “new update with screenshots” segment of this thread.




you clear all the rooms you get max coinage :slight_smile:

more casing means more keys

more keys means more chests

which means more perks/weapons.

its the only logical way.

plus my OCD means I CAN’T leave an empty part on the map.


so here’s my formal informal pile of screenshots essentially, no breakdown just new stuff thats cool, not cool and weird.

obvious spoilers if you wanna experience the new stuff yourself.

first things first, minor details that have been changed, IE new rooms yay! aesthetics are one of the most important parts of a game to me, so some of these rooms will only have small bits added, but in one case thats very good, chest rooms now have teleporters! (and a couple of cute statues sometimes :3)

NPC characters now have icons! this linky fellow scared me as I thought his was a monster at first, but I went in and saw otherwise, also the medic tent I have seen, it has the bullet cross logo on it.

the commando, has now had its name changed, to comm4ndo. a really important message they have to flash you upon entering the game.

you seem to get a royal fucktonne of credits now whenever you perfect a boss, or even it might be based on how much damage you took period, cause pre-update this boss would only give me 1 sometimes.

(to be continued tomorrow when it’s not late at night >.>)