Marvel: Ultimate Alliance Series on Sale for $10-15 [probably what it should have been in the first place]

One more Activision licensed game that got “ported” to Steam. I’m hearing it’s mostly fixed now, and more than that, it’s now $10 per game for this week (or $15 for both games).

I’d call it a 75% off sale since that’s what it is… but this is what it should have been priced to begin with, even if it DID work at launch [which it didn’t]. Better late than never, though… I’d recommend picking it up so you don’t end up feeling sad when Activision loses the rights and takes it down out of nowhere.


Could be for the right person, I suppose… reviews really are less than stellar… I think I will pass…


The reviews are near-unanimously by people who bought the port at launch and refunded it, as it was downright unplayable. Broken controller support, performance issues, and loads of AI bugs… not to mention M:UA2 (a game that hasn’t been on PC before) had insufferable audio corruption. More than anything, there was no “it’s an awful port, but the game is great!” reviews… that’s because it was a FOURTY. DOLLAR. PORT.

$10 each or $15 isn’t bad for the games; they’re decent enough brawlers, even if X-Men Legends was better. It’s just that launch day was embarrassingly bad. $40 per game (or $60), and neither game worked. It took a whole month of vocal whining to get it fixed… but such is Activision. Now, all that’s left is to get the game now that it’s fixed before they pull it to avoid paying Marvel’s licensing fees, like with Transformers or what they’ve done with Deadpool (twice).


Really enjoyed them on the PSP. Still own them on the PSP. Am content.


I see, I see, I was ignorant of such events. :slight_smile: :+1:


I’m a Marvel fan :+1:
But not that level :-1:


I played one of these before (I don’t remember which) and had fun with it. I second the “decent enough” sentiment.

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So they’re playable now?

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