Lost my coin streak even though I checked daily. Is this even possible?

@nebula7 Let’s be fair here, if there is a bug, then it might explain why there are several people missing their streaks. It may really be a confusingly hidden bug and @ZeroZ30o 's due diligence helped Chrono Inc. find it. Let’s not judge harshly. We’re here to help them, and they’re here to help us.

@PeteMcc , I wish I could nominate you (and several others for their giveaways and deal PSAs) for user of the month or moderator status or something. I appreciate the example you’re setting for all of us, with friendly suggestions to avoid escalating anything. I can’t smash that like button hard enough.


Bugs dude they are a fickle thing, some are easy to find and replicate, others are a pain in the butt and take forever to figure out.
Also @K16 thanks mate I appreciate your kind comment. You are also someone I wish I would nominate for mod as well


People have been fair, that’s the problem, @PeteMcc has gone beyond the call to try an placate @ZeroZ30o, replying to each point they make with rational responses, @lonin has provided evidence that was simply ignored as wrong and I have no doubt they have investigated to try and discover a bug (me being fair and all).

I just don’t put up with people like this anymore they are exhausting and get you nowhere. I’ll meet resolute stubbornness with dismissal.

I’m not even a little surprised that people have lost streaks when they think they haven’t, that was bound to happen because checking a website for less than a minute a day is something really easy to think you have already done or simply forget. Then tomorrow what you remember happening yesterday actually happened a couple days ago. Seriously, I spent a large part of today knowing it was Tuesday and couldn’t work out why the shops at the market were closed, spoiler it’s Monday, double spoiler I’m an idiot. Point is sometimes your brain be dumb.

Also keep in mind that those claiming streak loss bugs are going to be a small vocal minority, it’s not like those that haven’t lost streaks are asking what happened. Even a couple of the posts above where people have lost their streaks are unsure if they checked the previous day or not.

All said and done maybe there is a bug, initially I was wary and followed the steps @lonin said about waiting until the coin stopped spinning before moving off the page, I haven’t lost my streak so I can’t speak to any sort of bug. All I know is that nothing will convince @ZeroZ30o differently.

This deer is rather teal.

ETA: I’m harsher towards @ZeroZ30o due in part to their posts in another thread, I thought it was all in this one but apparently not it’s this one ‘Coin shop’


Alright, but I’m sure I haven’t missed a day, so the only other possibility is the website not registering the press. I know you have no way of knowing about this, so I’ll screenshot from now on.

Edit: I responded harshly because I felt I was answered harshly. You can just put yourself on any side and white knight without looking at what your side does if you want, but I’m not having any of it.
Edit2: Also this thread isn’t named “is ZeroZ30o an idiot” so I suggest you get back on topic instead of wasting your time.


You can visit every single day and still break your streak depending on when you visit, for example:

  • On the :two::one:st, when your streak was broken, you visited at 05/21/2017 08:10:01.000 -0500 – which was about ~3 hours before Sunday’s deal.

  • The next visit was on the :two::two:nd at 05/22/2017 15:27:21.000 -0500 – which was about ~4.5 hours after Sunday’s deal had ended.

  • So we missed Sunday’s deal

This is exactly how all of us in the office have lost our streaks. ^^^

The best thing to do is try to show up just after the daily deal changes or check at a super regular time every single day.

Well then, you’re probably right on that one, damn. Sorry to waste your time then.

It’s definitely not a waste of our time!

We want y’all to have the best experience possible and there is absolutely a ton of room for improvement on our end.

So whenever something feels janky, you have questions, or random ideas to improve the experience – please, please reach out.


Locking this thread since there’s not much new to add. As I mentioned before, if feel that you’ve lost your streak incorrectly please do the following:

  • Make sure to click the coin every day between 9AM Pacific and 9AM Pacific
  • Refresh the page before clicking to make sure nothing is cached
  • Wait until the coin has completed spinning and your wallet amount has updated
  • Take a screenshot when you click (include the game in the image) so that proof can be provided

It can be pretty easy to think you’ve got a coin on a day you actually missed, pretty much all of us in the office have done the same thing. If you’re really positive that you didn’t, email us at help@chrono.gg and we can look deeper into it.