Kao the Kangaroo Round 2

Free on Steam at the moment, seems like a decent game, throwback to tne N64 era.

edit/ for whatever reason it states here it costs money, just look it up on the steam store, its at a %100 discount and costs 0 for now.


Looks like Croc 2, but with better graphics. As it’s an old platformer, it must be pretty well polished, too.

That’s from the game’s page:

The opportunity to play this classic version of Kao the Kangaroo was made possible by all of the engagement and requests from our loyal Kao fans. These wonderful players came together under #BringKaoBack and asked us to release Kao digitally.

Now that is cool. Fan requests never worked for the games I was rooting for, but it’s nice to see that sometimes fan involvement, dedication and love towards their favorites can make a change.


Hahah omg i always wondered what the name of this game was cos i came across this kamgaroo featuring game. I thought i was hallucinating but it’s real :joy:


Ooh. Shiny! Thank you @rporter711 ^_^. Never played many of these kinds of games but sure worth a try for free and it’s so pretty.


Thanks for the info.